Thursday, July 23, 2015

Proverbs - Friendship Criteria

Proverbs 13:20

 He that walketh with wise men shall be wise:
but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.

WHO we hang out with affects the development of OUR character.  The Lord is giving us His warning on this matter.  We have the ability to choose whom we will invest time in and which relationships we will cultivate.  Each of us is given only twenty-four hours in a day.  This time is a gift from the Lord and we need to seek how He would have us use them.  When we are on the phone or visiting someone or talking with someone on the internet, we should be consciously aware if that person is someone we should walk with or consider as a companion. 

Jesus wants us to love and reach out to everyone, but to consider someone as a companion or someone with whom we are walking side by side, should be evaluated in the light of wisdom.  Is this person a wise person? 
·       Do they fear the Lord and are more concerned about pleasing Him than being right or comfortable?
·       Do they seek God’s judgment on matters through His Word and wise counsel?
·       Do they honor their husbands and love their children?
·       Are they content and thankful with the financial situation the Lord has them in?
·       Are they someone who knows it is dangerous to have self-confidence?
·       Are they humble in their thinking and open to correction?
·       Does this person build up their home with their words and attitudes?

This verse tells us that we will be wise if we have wise friends.  One of the best things we can do in becoming wise people is to choose our friends carefully.  A companion of fools will be destroyed.  Is this person a foolish person?
·       Are they busybodies or gossips?
·       Is the person contentious and always in conflict based upon self-interest?
·       Does this person tear down their house in words or choices?
·       Is this person slothful and lazy?
·       Does this person spend a lot of time comparing themselves with others?
·       Is this person immodest and flippant in their choice of clothing and mannerisms?
·       Is this person someone who does things behind their mate’s back in secret?
·       Does this person vent all they feel?

These are just a few questions we can ask when choosing a walking companion. If you find yourself already walking with a fool, gently wean yourself from them in love.  Stay committed to the person but NOT the relationship.  If you do not have anyone in your life that is wise, become that wise person that someone else will want to walk with.

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