Thursday, April 16, 2015

Knowing God - He Speaks Our Name

Ex 3:4

 And when the Lord saw that he turned aside to see, God called unto him out of the midst of the bush, and said,
Moses, Moses. And he said, Here am I.
God Speaks Our Name

The Lord saw Moses turn aside to see this bush that burned with fire.  When the Lord saw this, the Lord spoke Moses’ name twice.  The experience changed from a curious investigation of a physical phenomenon to a relational dialogue with God Himself.  The Lord is calling our names today.  When we ‘turn aside to see’, the Lord knows He has our attention and moves us away from what originally caught our attention and towards a place of hearing His voice.  In our busy society we often ‘drive thru’ the presence of God, hoping to chow down our spiritual fast food to hold us over.  This may happen at times, but should not be our regular way of eating.  We must be a people who ‘turn aside’.  Turn aside from the television.  Turn aside from the computer.  Turn aside from our works and quiet ourselves to hear Him say our name too.  “Dolores, Dolores”, He may say.  “Karen, Karen”, He beckons.  “Audree, Audree!” He addresses.  When we hear this, let us be like Moses and say, “Here I am!”

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