Monday, September 23, 2013

Knowing God - He Has Power Over Death

Heb 2:14

…that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil;

Jesus became a human being so He could die.  He had to have flesh and blood to be the acceptable sacrifice for us.  Through His death, He not only purchased us back from the devil, but actually destroyed the devil.  The devil had the power of death.  That word power means dominion.  The devil had dominion over death but through Jesus’ death, his dominion has been broken because the devil, himself, was destroyed that day at Calvary.  Now, when we remember Jesus’ death we can praise Him for destroying the devil through His sacrifice and rejoice that even death itself is under His dominion in our lives.  We no longer need to fear death because Jesus has destroyed him who had the power of death.  One day death itself will be destroyed and thrown into the lake of fire, but for now we can rejoice that the dominion and authority over death is no longer in the devil’s hands but under the authority of Jesus Himself.

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