Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Proverbs - Eating, Laziness and Shopping

Proverbs 19:24

A slothful man hideth his hand in his bosom,
 and will not so much as bring it to his mouth again.

A lazy woman finds herself overwhelmed with the smallest of tasks.  Here the Lord is equating laziness with not using our own hand to feed us.  This could be likened to the fast food escape so many of us may be tempted to rely upon.  Although this convenience has its place, we must be concerned that we don’t make this a practice because we have procrastinated and been lazy to plan, shop and prepare meals for our families.  When we go shopping it would be wise if we can financially, to buy more than one of the same item so that we could be prepared for a future meal. This will protect us from the lies of the flesh telling us it is too hard to go to the grocery store and pick up that one item.  It is much wiser if we are women who are prepared for those meals with cupboards and freezers that have what we need.  When we wake up in the morning our desire should be to prepare food for our household and have our children and husbands feel safe and taken care of.  We should work willingly with our hands and not eat the bread of idleness. 

When we prepare a spaghetti sauce or some other meal, consider preparing a double batch and freezing it so that on those hectic days there are steps of meal preparation that can be avoided but not denied due to laziness or slothfulness.  If you have become lazy in this, find a sister to keep you accountable in this duty.  Even if you are single, you can eat better and feel taken care of when you put your hand to your mouth rather than rely on some institution to feed you all of the time. 

Being keepers at home will actually adorn the gospel and put to silence the accusations of a world without Christ.  When others see the love and care we have for our family, they will begin to see our God’s nature who feeds the birds of the air.  When we are diligent in our ministry at home, we avoid the traps and snares the enemy has for us in our slothfulness and apathy.  Our home will reflect our God who gives us our daily bread and the times of meal preparation and clean up can be used to pray for our family and those that need intercession.  

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