Thursday, October 31, 2013

Knowing God - He Removes Our Burdens

Ps 81:6
 I removed his shoulder from the burden:
his hands were delivered from the pots.

The Lord is declaring that he removed the burden from His people in Egypt.  They had cried out to the Lord for many years for deliverance and deliverance came.  Our God knows the burdens you and I have on our shoulders and He knows how to remove these from our shoulders.  We are but dust and the weight of certain things can most definitely be felt, but the Lord hears our cries and is able to remove these things from our shoulders.  He may, indeed, remove them from our lives, or He may remove them from our shoulders.  He tells us to cast our burden on Him and He will sustain us.  Perhaps the burden will not leave our lives but will leave our shoulders.  Are you carrying things you were never designed to carry?  Are you being weighed down by burdens only He can sustain?  Ask Him to remove the burden from your shoulders and trust His great love to respond.

Proverbs - Lamps and Parents

Proverbs 20:20

Whoso curseth his father or his mother, his lamp shall be put out in obscure darkness.

Honoring our parents is considered a high priority in God’s point of view.  The way we speak about our parents, dead or alive, should never include cursing them.  Our lamp will be put out in obscure darkness.  Our lives will not shine and we will find ourselves having unhealthy relationships.

Our children must never be allowed to speak evil of either parent.  We must back this up so that their lamps will shine.  We don’t want our children to cut off respect for their parents so that they find themselves at loss in respecting and honoring our Father in heaven.  If we have done this, if our children have done this, it is important to confess this and receive forgiveness.  If we need to call one of our parents and tell them how much we appreciate them and apologize for any recent dishonor or even long ago disrespect, let us do it.  This will help our lights so shine that they will give light to all who are around us.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Knowing God- He Helps Us See Who We Are

Ps 39:4

 Lord, make me to know mine end, and the measure of my days, what it is; that I may know how frail I am.
Fragile – Handle With Care

The Lord is able to make us see things about ourselves.  He is a judge who judges accurately.  He is able to remind us how short our lives really are.  He can show us how vulnerable we are and how much we need His protection, promises and power.  He can show us the potential of our fallen nature left unguarded and uninstructed.  He can remind us of the lives we used to live apart from Him and His restraining power.  We need Him to do this.  If we don’t know a box contains fragile items we will treat it in a careless manner often resulting in damage and loss.  We need Him to remind us how fragile we are apart from His help and strength.  This will keep us in a place of abiding in Him, depending on Him and hiding in Him.  We are fragile and He can remind us of that avoiding unnecessary loss and damage.

Proverbs - Telling a Story

Proverbs 20:19

He that goeth about as a talebearer revealeth secrets: therefore meddle not with him that flattereth with his lips.

We often love to tell people what we know and what we've heard.  I heard of a study about women versus men when it comes to funny stories.  Men generally tell a joke rooted in a fictional situation with a punch line to get a laugh.  Women generally repeat a true life incident in their lives or someone they know that has an embarrassing or clever twist.  This means we tell a good story.  Here we are warned that if we repeat stories we might give information that was not intended for the general public.  Perhaps the stories we could share would involve us, and us alone.  This would protect the innocent and we become the only vulnerable ones spoken about. 

This verse actually tells us to not hang out with people who do this.  Sometimes we can be around a person and within a few minutes of the conversation we are hearing things about people that we really didn’t need to know about.  They are being a talebearer.  These are people we must not meddle with or yoke with.  Excuse yourself from the conversation and seek conversation with someone who seems to not flatter or tell stories about others.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Knowing God - The Voice of the Lord

Ps 29:7

 The voice of the Lord divideth the flames of fire. 

Trials are likened to fire in the scriptures.  When we face difficult times it is often difficult to navigate through those details.  The Lord’s voice will divide the flames of fire.  If we position ourselves to hear from the Lord, take heed to what we have heard and use these things to navigate, we can make it through the most difficult and heated times.  His voice is mightier than the most intimidating flame.  We must listen and then use His voice to divide those things that seem to be standing in the way of the direction He has called us to.  Do you have a scripture or prophecy that has been delivered to you?  Use it and watch the flames move out of the way as you continue to walk in those things He has for you.

Proverbs - Good Advice

Proverbs 20:18

Every purpose is established by counsel: and with good advice make war.

Independence is often considered a good thing.  When we can make decisions and not be dependent on others often shows a life that is stable and directed.  This independence can go too far and we can be women whose ways are always right in our own eyes.  This verse tells us that as we get vision and direction, counsel will establish these purposes.  Counsel is getting wisdom from perspectives we don’t have.  It is coming to those who love the Lord, maybe have years behind them or experience in our purpose and seeking insight and advice on the matter.  Good advice helps us make war.  Someone in charge of an army will listen to his leaders and consider the vantage points they have given their areas of responsibilities.  We might have to fight something in our flesh or maybe we are going to be about a work in which we anticipate warfare.  It is good to seek prayer coverings and counsel from those we respect.  If we want our purposes established and not left undone, it would do us well to seek counsel and ask the Lord to help us hear His leading through it all. 

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Knowing God - He is the Intimacy We Desire

Song 7:10

 I am my beloved's, and his desire is toward me.

Those of us who have responded to the proposal our God has given to receive the Lord Jesus and be saved, now belong to Him.  He has purchased us with His blood and is fully committed to us. His desire is towards us.  He waits so patiently for us to come into His presence and enjoy fellowship with Him.  The intimacy we all long for is truly only found with Him.  The sense of belonging is fully met in being His beloved.  Have you considered the fact that His desire is toward you?  He doesn’t just forgive and have mercy on you and me but actually desires us!  You are wanted.  You are sought after.  Allow the truth of this to penetrate your identity and make you the woman who is at rest in His love.  Stop putting demands on others.  Enjoy His grace, favor and desire towards you.  Walk in this great truth today and watch how kind you will be towards others.  His great love will meet every need within you, allowing you to focus on enjoying and loving others because you are satisfied with His love.

Proverbs - Deceit and Gravel

Proverbs 20:17

Bread of deceit is sweet to a man; but afterwards his mouth shall be filled with gravel.

Sometimes we can think that getting something regardless of how it is gotten, is worth what we have done to get it.  There can be temptation to fudge a bit on the truth to get the results we desire to see.  It may even be a little exciting or gratifying at first and we can rush through the decision to avoid the conviction of the Holy Spirit hoping that the ends justify the means.  The Lord tells us that this is not so.  This proverb warns us that even if at the moment something tastes sweet to us that we got through deceit, in a short time it will be like gravel in our mouth.  We will be choking on our situation and unable to enjoy what we got by using deceit.  Home appraisals, credit applications and other scenarios could tempt us to fudge on details in order to gain.  We don’t want gravel in our mouth.  We want praises on our lips and clear consciences trusting the Lord to maintain the lot He has given to us.  If you have received something through deceit, try to make it right.  Ask the Lord how you might, like the tax collector, go back and get things right in any area you might have sinned with deceit.  Then, your bread will be sweet and there will be no gravel.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Knowing God - He Gives That Which is Good

Ps 85:12

 Yea, the Lord shall give that which is good;
 and our land shall yield her increase.

The Lord will give that which is good.  Ask Him for what you desire.  Trust Him to give you that which is good.  Ask Him for all the good things He has in His heart to give you.  He loves you.  He wants us to believe in His goodness and generosity.  We honor Him when we believe in His goodness.  We need not just believe that He is able to give us good things but that He SHALL give that which is good.  Come before Him today and thank Him for His generosity and His willingness to bless you.  Yes, the Lord shall give that which is good! 

Proverbs - Being a Co-Signer

Proverbs 20:16

Take his garment that is surety for a stranger: and take a pledge of him for a strange woman.

Offering surety in the scriptures is similar to being a co-signer on a loan.  This verse is telling us that if we become security for someone we don’t know very well it is almost like losing the clothing off our backs.  Financial dealings are to be handled in the light and questioning details is a sign of wisdom.  If we are asked to co-sign for a loan we should have the right to examine the financial dealings of the person who requests such a favor.  We should look at their debt, tithing, savings, job security and other matters.  It is fair for us to be shrewd in our business dealings.  We must not enter into contracts and covenants unaware of the terms and expectations.  God’s people must remember that the money entrusted to us is really His and we are but stewards and guardians of it.  Our credit rating should be high and our wisdom should come from God.  Jesus often used money in his teaching and desired His followers to be full of faith and full of facts.  Even when Jesus prayed over the fish and loaves to feed more than it should, he knew exactly how many fish and how many loaves he was working with.  We don’t handle finances like they are a stranger or strange woman.  We look at our statements, we know when bills are due and then we trust in the Lord for the wisdom and provision we need to handle such truth.  Let us make friends with money and not allow it to intimidate us or deceive us.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Knowing God - God Judges

Ps 58:11

 So that a man shall say, Verily there is a reward for the righteous: verily he is a God that judgeth in the earth.

Most of us are well aware that God will judge in the heavens.  We consider the Great White Throne Judgment as well as the Bema Seat where our God has every right to judge those outside of Christ and those in Him.  He will judge those who stand in their own righteousness and unfit to enter into His kingdom and those who are clothed in Christ’s righteousness, judgment will be given based on faithfulness resulting in placement within His kingdom.  This verse reminds us that our God not only will judge then, but currently judges here, on this earth.  This means that His law is in place and He will uphold His law and deal with those who disregard or refuse to obey.  God is not mocked.  When any of us, believer or non-believer acts in contrast to His law, judgment will be experienced in one way or another because He is the judge of the earth.  We may escape an eternal judgment.  We may experience His mercy within that judgment here, but He is actively involved in the matters of our day to day lives here on this earth.  If you believe you have been wronged, the Lord will judge.  You forgive.  Let Him do the legal end of things.  If you have done wrong, apologize to the person and approach the judge, knowing He judges righteously and with mercy!

Proverbs - Ruby Red Lips

Proverbs 20:15

There is gold, and a multitude of rubies:
but the lips of knowledge are a precious jewel.

Gold and rubies are valuable because they establish wealth and can be liquidated to purchase things we need and things we desire.  The Lord is telling us that lips of knowledge are a precious jewel.  Precious means rare and not easily found or gotten.  Lips of knowledge are rare and precious.  We need to consider what we say and what to have lips that speak things that are beautiful, valuable and worth something – words that can be taken to the bank.  We should be women that want to speak things to our husbands, our children and friends that would give them resources for life.  We get this knowledge through a working knowledge of God’s mind on matters.  When we diligently acquaint ourselves with God’s Word and what He says our minds are transformed and the knowledge we need to speak is stored in our hearts and minds.  When we order our lives according to His ways we will be familiar with how to use what God says.  This will help us give knowledge to people in a way that they can understand and use it.  If we do not take what we learn and put things into practice we will not be able to give knowledge from an experiential perspective.  We must be women who do not think we know everything so we are always in a teachable place ready to receive instruction from our Father.  Oh Lord, help us store in our hearts your truth and then out of that abundance may our lips speak the words of knowledge rather than opinions.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Knowing God - He Can Cleanse and Forgive

Rom 4:8

 Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin.

The word ‘impute’ means ‘to take inventory’.  The Lord is the One who searches our lives and hearts and weighs us.  He is the One who decides what is sin and what is not sin.  The Lord is able to look into lives and when He sees sin, He decides if that sin is on the books.  When we place our faith in Christ and what He did on that cross, we draw upon His resources to cover the debt we have incurred before the Lord.  When the Lord sees our sin, He can also see the other ‘column’.  The column that declares that debt ‘paid in full’.  Our sin is still just as ugly and just as deserving of judgment as any person’s sin, but in Christ, judgment and payment was given and made available to all who would believe on the Lord Jesus and be saved.  When dealing with our God, it would be wise for us, who are covered by Jesus’ obedience, to consider what a blessing it is to not have our sins imputed to us.  It would be great also to consider others who have not had this experience yet.  Lord, thank You that we are blessed indeed to be considered cleansed and forgiven!

Proverbs - Buying and Selling

Proverbs 20:14

It is naught, it is naught, saith the buyer: but when he is gone his way,
then he boasteth.

This proverb is referring to a seller who is being dishonest with a buyer.   This seller could be have merchandise that is supposed to be genuine buy may be an imitation.  He would tell the customer one thing and in fact the customer’s suspicions were accurate but he would dismiss them.  After the buyer leaves, the seller laughs and boasts that he ripped off the convinced customer.  This is an abomination to the Lord and we, as believers, are to honest in our business dealings.  We don’t hide flaws on merchandise we are selling and we answer things honestly to the best of our ability wanting anyone we deal with to walk away having been involved in an honest business deal.  We should never do things in order to get dishonest gain.  The Lord desires truth in the inward parts and truth is our standard in all our dealings.  We will represent our God of truth this way and when and if a person with whom we have done business finds out we claim to follow Christ, the gospel is glorified and maybe the person will be persuaded to investigate who Jesus is. 

When we are buyers, we are warned by this verse that there are people who do such things and we do not have to trust their word.  We should be very cautious when using the money that the Lord gives us and be sure that what we are buying is what we thought we were buying.  It is fair to examine merchandise and not believe every salesman we deal with.  We must pray for wisdom and seek to honor the Lord with our purchases.  The Lord knows the heart of man and He will help us not be taken advantage of.

Proverbs - Do Not Love Sleep

Proverbs 20:13

Love not sleep, lest thou come to poverty;
open thine eyes, and thou shalt be satisfied with bread.

Sleep is a gift from the Lord.  We read in Psalm 127:2, “It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows: for so he giveth his beloved sleep.”  The danger we are warned about here is loving sleep.  This particular proverb implies it is not good to be sleeping when we should actually be working or getting things done.  Loving sleep is being devoted to sleep rather than whatever the Lord wants us to do.  Sleep can be used like alcohol and drugs to escape things when the Lord may in fact be asking us to face something in His strength.  Sleep is a God given gift to give us a bit of a break from certain trials and a time of renewal for our minds and bodies, but just like every gift God gives, there can be a misuse or abuse of something intended for our good.  If we are women who sleep in when it is time to get up, or nap when we sense the Lord telling us to work, we can come to poverty.  Early rising is often equated with a virtuous woman.  Getting up before our families and having turned on the lights, made breakfast and being ready to greet those in our household with His love, sets the tone for the days of all those we live with.  You can come up with practical steps to help you wake up in the morning.

·        Put your alarm clock at a distance so you have to get out of bed to turn off the alarm
·        Go to bed at a decent time whenever possible
·        Start the shower immediately and enjoy the hot water on your skin
·        Begin praising the Lord upon the opening of your eyes and asking Him to bless your day
·        Set your coffee pot on a timer so that the aroma can greet you as you wake up
·        Immediately kneel on the side of your bed and offer your day to the Lord and His purposes for it

These are just some practical ways to fight an improper love of sleep that will lead to poverty and deprive us of being satisfied with bread.  Enjoy sleep as a gift.  Use sleep when you are ill or need it, but be careful about sleeping when you should be working.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Knowing God - He Does Works We Do Not Know

Eccl 11:5

 As thou knowest not what is the way of the spirit, nor how the bones do grow in the womb of her that is with child: even so thou knowest not the works of God who maketh all.

God makes all.  He is a Creator.  He is the Creator.  He created all we see and He has created all we cannot see.  He has made the microscopic particles that make up an individual cell.  He has made the mighty Mount Everest men long to conquer.  He has made black and white skunks and He has made tiny fleas.  He has made cotton plants that allow us to have clothing.  He has made chemical truths that allow us to have plastic and synthetic materials.  He has created hormones and veins.  He has made the sun.  He has made ALL of the stars.  He has made the toenail on your baby toe and every single hair follicle in your nostrils.  This is the God we serve.  Do you not believe that the God, who has these incredible creative abilities, does not know what He is doing in creating the things in your life?  Our high-mindedness often results in unnecessary doubts and fears.  When we realize that God made everything, we realize we don’t know the works of God.  

Proverbs - Surrendering Our Eyes and Eears

Proverbs 20:12

The hearing ear, and the seeing eye, the Lord hath made even both of them.
The Lord has given us ears to hear and eyes to see.  He has made all things for His purposes including our ears and eyes.  Both of these need to be surrendered to Him and used by Him to help us accomplish all that He has for us to do and realize. 

Our ears should be hearing songs that praise Him, words that encourage and hearts that open up with needs and concerns.  Our eyes should see beauty He has made, entertainment that is appropriate and into the eyes of those who need a touch from Him. 

In Romans chapter 12 we are told to present our bodies to the Lord as a means of service or worship.  We can do this every day when we shower and clean the outside, we can present all of our body parts to the Lord to be used by Him in a way that He desires them to be used.  Our body parts are to be surrendered to the Lord as servants of righteousness.  Our ears can hear a need or concern and go and meet it.  Our eyes can see a problem or conflict and we can be peacemakers to bring about a healing.  The Lord has made our hearing ears and the Lord has made our seeing eyes.  Let us remember that if He has made them, He knows how we are to use them.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Knowing God - God Performs ALL Things for ME!

Ps 57:2

 I will cry unto…God that performeth all things for me.

God performs all things for us.  He is a God who cares about you. He wants us to cry out to Him and He wants to answer our prayers.  He is a kind and good God who will act on our behalf.  He loves us and is actively involved in the lives of His people – His individual people.  This is quite the concept.  If we really begin to grasp the personal involvement of God in our lives, we would walk so securely in His love.  God is acting on your behalf.  God is acting on my behalf.  We can thank the Lord for His involvement in our lives and enjoy the truth that He performs all things for us.  What a wonderful God we have! Have you sensed that God is involved and wants to be involved in all things in your life?  Approach your day today thanking and praising Him that He is a God who performs all things for you!

Proverbs - Choices Prove if We are His Children

Proverbs 20:11

Even a child is known by his doings,
whether his work be pure, and whether it be right.
Looking at the book of First John we see a lot of tests that the Lord gives us to know whether someone is a Christian versus someone saying they are a Christian.

First John 1:6 tells us that “If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth:”

We also read in First John 4:20 “If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?”

This proverb tells us that actions will be quite the standard to see if we are who we are.  First John warns us that what we or someone else says about them is not the key to identity but actions.  Our choices will demonstrate what we believe.  The devils believe and even fear the Lord but their actions are wicked and evil.  The belief we are to have that is a saving faith results in actions rooted in our belief.  Even a child is known whether they are obedient by ‘whether they are obedient’.  Sister, allow the actions of your day to be rooted in what you believe and then others will see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.  

Friday, October 11, 2013

Knowing God - He is THE Most High

Ps 57:2

 I will cry unto God most high;…


God is the One who is most high.   There is no one higher.  He is higher than all other authority.  We need to cry out to the One who is the most high.  There are things that come down in our lives from those who are high and they affect our lives.  We need to cry out to God knowing that He is over all.  All things were made by Him and for Him.  He can see everything from being the most high.  He can move authority as He desires, because of being the most high.  He has access to all provisions because He is the most high.  He has all strength to give us, because He is the most high.  What do you need?  Cry out unto God, the Most High!

Proverbs - Weigh In

Proverbs 20:10

Divers weights, and divers measures, both of them are alike abomination to the Lord.

How we weigh and measure things is very important to the Lord.  If we take a situation with our children and consider it weighty when the Lord deems it light, it is an abomination to the Lord.  If we measure something and decide it is too big for us and the Lord says it is just the right size, it is an abomination to the Lord.  The righteous scale we are to use is to be checked by the Lord.  He determines if our scales are accurately working and whether our measures are appropriately given.  Things can be too important and things can be too light to us.  When we discipline our children, respond to our husbands or determine the priorities of our day, the Lord’s scales are the ones we should be using.  To carry on about a careless comment or to strike a child for innocent mistakes are abominations to the Lord.  To casually approach a ministry given to us is an abomination to the Lord.  To emphasize the outer man and how we look at the expense of neglecting tending to the inner man is an abomination to the Lord.  To take a request for prayer and not bring it before the Lord is an abomination to the Lord.  These are all examples of dishonest scales and measures.  Oh, Lord help us! We need you to weigh the matters of our lives and show us accurately how they measure up.  We don’t want to do anything that is an abomination to You!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Knowing God - The Lord Helps Us Understand

Dan 8:16

 And I heard a man's voice between the banks of Ulai, which called, and said, Gabriel, make this man to understand the vision.

Daniel had a vision and then sought the meaning of the vision.  The Lord sent Gabriel to make Daniel understand the vision.  This means that the Lord hears when we seek to understand a vision.  This verse also reveals that the Lord sends angels to help us understand visions.  The neat thing about the Lord is that He wants us to understand.  Proverbs 14:6b tells us; “…knowledge is easy unto him that understandeth.”  When we understand something it becomes knowledge we can use and share with others.  Our God wants us to not just be able to repeat what He says to us but be in a place where we understand and know it.  He will send His angel, His Holy Spirit, His teachers, His messengers, make us to understand.  Don’t be frustrated if you don’t understand, anticipate understanding being given to you.

Proverbs - Can We Make Our Hearts Clean?

                                                                           Proverbs 20:9

Who can say, I have made my heart clean, I am pure from my sin?

Do you know the answer to this question?  The answer is no one.  We cannot say that we have made our hearts clean and we cannot say that we have not sinned.  It would be like giving ourselves open heart surgery.  We could never even see or position ourselves appropriately to do such an intricate procedure.  Just like we can’t do this physically, we cannot do this spiritually.  Talking ourselves into being right is not enough.  Attempting to convince ourselves that we are right will never work. Doing good things to make up for an attitude or action that hurt someone, will not cleanse our hearts either.  Our cleansing and our purity comes only from the blood of Jesus Christ.  We must have faith in His blood trusting the power of the blood to cleanse and purify the most stained of heart.  Just as Abel’s blood spoke from the ground to the Lord of Cain’s guilt, Jesus Christ’s blood speaks to the Father of innocence.  When we find ourselves falling short of the glorious life He wants us to live, we must take the time to confess our sins to the Lord, receive and believe the cleansing that He gives us through the sacrifice of His dear Son.  When we realize that He alone can forgive us and cleanse us, we will not be tempted to compensate for our wickedness but rather forsake our ways walking in newness of life.  Don’t insult the incredible sacrifice Christ did for us by neglecting the availability of ongoing cleansing and purifying by His blood.  Appreciate His cleansing.  Walk in His cleansing and don’t declare that you have made yourself clean or pure.  He has done it and He will continue to do it.  To Him alone be the glory forever and ever.  Amen.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Knowing God - The Spirit Speaks Through Us

Tomorrow there will be an interrupt in the devotionals but will resume on Wednesday. 

2 Sam 23:2

 The Spirit of the Lord spake by me, and his word was in my tongue.

This was part of the last things that David wrote before he died.  He proclaimed that the Spirit of the Lord spoke through him and that the Lord’s word was on his tongue.  God spoke through David.  He spoke through David in the book of Psalms.  Most of these psalms were penned by David.  As David began to commune with the Lord in song, the Lord spoke through him and we have wonderful truths as a result of having this great book.  The Holy Spirit spoke through David and David knew it.  The Lord may be done moving through men of old to write down the scriptures as we know it, but He is not done with speaking through His people today.  Oh that the Spirit of the Lord would speak through us and that His Word would be on our tongues.  We, like David, could enjoy knowing we have been used by Him to speak to others.  He is the same yesterday, today and forever. 

Proverbs - Authority

Tomorrow there will be an interrupt in the devotional and will resume on Wednesday.

Proverbs 20:8

A king that sitteth in the throne of judgment
scattereth away all evil with his eyes.

Authority is quite a responsibility.  When we appropriately exercise judgment in situations that God has given us authority over, we scatter away all evil with our eyes.  When our children are doing things contrary to what God declares to be good and we look at these things measuring them against God’s good law, we can declare judgment.  We can tell our children what we see and help them learn how to evaluate their lives in the light of the beautiful standards God has for them.  It may not mean punishment time and definitely not cramming God’s truths down their throats all of the time, but in quietness and love bringing those under our authority the truths of whether certain words or attitudes are right or wrong according to their Maker’s judgments.  When we are faithful to do this, our children will be protected against deception and evil will not continue unchecked.  Many of the things we say to our children may not be heeded to early on, but even when they are old, evil will scatter away from them due to our eyes judging things and giving them God’s counsel as they grew up under our authority.  Sisters, don’t be afraid of judgment when God has put you in a place to do so.  A righteous judge is a blessing to all those who are involved.  A righteous judge can say ‘not guilty’ and a righteous judge helps wickedness stop.  Grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.  Give your children truth in the sweet syrup of grace and evil will be scattered away.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Knowing God - God Does Good Things

Gen 1:4

 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.

After God made the light, he looked at it.  Then He took in the fact that the light was good.  Our Creator took the time to enjoy and behold what He had made.  Our God is not just about checking off completed tasks, but taking in the beauty and wisdom of all He does.  Do we stop and behold the things that He has created?  How about light?  Have you ever stopped and just noticed that everything around you is lit up by this fireball in the sky?  No one is paying the electric bill on this and the light is just perfect for our lives.  Our God makes good things and stops to enjoy their goodness.  Let’s take some time today and see things that He has made and enjoy their goodness as well.  This will make us more like Him!

Proverbs - Integrity and Our Children

Proverbs 20:7
The just man walketh in his integrity: his children are blessed after him.

Our integrity is directly linked to our children being blessed.  Integrity is the quality of character that involves truth and humility.  Integrity is connected to our conscience and the fear of the Lord.  When we are women of integrity, our choices are evaluated by the Lord’s standard of right and wrong as well as wise and foolish.  We won’t be women who apathetically respond and react according to any given moment or catalyst.  Rather, our reactions and choices are brought before the Lord seeking to reflect and obey all that He considers right and worthy.  Our financial habits, words spoken and work ethic are to be regarded as arenas where we can’t be rightfully challenged for a lack of integrity.  We don’t hide things from our husbands, we don’t lie on our time cards and we don’t make promises to our children knowing we are unable to keep them.  Other scriptures that can help us understand what it means to walk in our integrity are as follow:
·        Ps 25:21 Let integrity and uprightness preserve me; for I wait on thee. – Having integrity will involve waiting on the Lord for His leading and not being an impulsive, stubborn woman.
·        Ps 26:1 Judge me, O Lord; for I have walked in mine integrity: I have trusted also in the Lord; therefore I shall not slide. – Integrity should be involved with every step we take.  It is trusting the Lord to be right and not trying to fix everything with our own means.  Integrity keeps us stable and not backslidden.
·        Job 2:9 Then said his wife unto him, Dost thou still retain thine integrity? curse God, and die. - Job’s wife equated letting go of integrity with cursing God.  To be women of integrity and bless our children they should never hear us blaming God or concluding that He has been unfaithful.

Sisters, when we make those righteous choices when no one is looking, we are blessing our children and providing a safe environment for them.  Remember that what is seen in secret will be rewarded openly.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Knowing God - He Forms, He Creates, He Makes

Isa 45:7

 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.

The Lord is speaking to His people through the prophet Isaiah.  He is reminding them of who He is that they might take His commands and boundaries a bit more seriously.  We do not have the option to ignore God’s Words and expect to experience life in the manner in which He designed it.  The Lord formed light.  The Lord creates darkness.  The Lord makes peace.  The Lord creates situations that we don’t like.  The Lord does these things.  He is Lord.  He is Creator.  He is wisdom.  He is judge.  He is Savior.  He is the One we answer to.  In a day and age where personal opinion is touted as the ultimate guide to our lives, we had best take note of who our God is and the position He deserves as final authority in all matters.  Who is like our God?  He deserves our appropriate submission, honor and respect.  Perhaps it would do us well to sit in His presence for a few minutes and take in what He is saying here.  Perhaps if we started our day with a bit more awe, we might choose our paths more carefully.

Proverbs - Be Faithful NOT Phony

Proverbs 20:6

Most men will proclaim every one his own goodness: but a faithful man who can find?

This truth is great to know about ourselves and those who surround us.  Proclaiming means to speak forth and let others know.  We will often let people know how good we are and what we are capable of.  There might even be an element of truth in what we are proclaiming, but here the Lord tells us that we should rather focus on being faithful rather than how we represent ourselves verbally to others.  Faithfulness involves a few things.

·        Prov 11:13 A talebearer revealeth secrets: but he that is of a faithful spirit concealeth the matter. – a faithful person keeps a confidence and doesn’t let others know about situations revealed to them that are meant to be protected

·        Prov 13:17 A wicked messenger falleth into mischief: but a faithful ambassador is health. – A faithful person will be reliable in their duties.  They will be on time for responsibilities and do what they say they will do.

·        Prov 14:5 A faithful witness will not lie: but a false witness will utter lies.- A faithful person will not slant the truth, exaggerate the truth or deceive.  They say they will do something and they will do it.  If they make a mistake they will admit it.

·        Prov 25:13 As the cold of snow in the time of harvest, so is a faithful messenger to them that send him: for he refresheth the soul of his masters. – A faithful person is a good employee and is a blessing to anyone who is over them in authority.  They make the load lighter and refresh their leaders.  They follow through with integrity.

Do you remember the parable that the Lord used about the one man who said he would go and do what his master said and then didn’t’ do it?  Do you remember the other man refused to do it but ended up doing it anyway?  Jesus asked the group, “Whether of them twain did the will of his father?” (Matt 21:31).  We would, as the listeners said, agree that the one who actually did the father’s will rather than the one who said they would.  This is an excellent example of this proverb.  Let us be slow to speak our own praises and focus on demonstrating our faithfulness.  When seeking someone out for a responsibility let us not focus on the verbal discussion but on the observation of their character and duties.  Lord, help us be faithful women that glorify You.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Knowing God - He Strengthens Me!

Phil 4:13

I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

When a believer reads this verse, they usually focus on the part of being able to do all things.  Here we will focus on what we learn about Jesus Christ in this verse.  We are told, by Paul, that Jesus gives him strength when he faces things he needs to do.  This shows that Jesus was not just a prophet or eloquent orator who died to be a good example.  This verse proves the resurrection of Christ and His ability to be with every believer imputing to them strength that they need.  Christ strengthens the individual.  He is not just concerned with His church as a whole, but comes individually to each member of the body ready to give them strength that He has to give.  Jesus is real.  Jesus is alive.  Jesus has strength to give.  Jesus is God!

Proverbs - Drawing Out Hearts

Proverbs 20:5

Counsel in the heart of man is like deep water;
 but a man of understanding will draw it out.

To be a good friend we should consider the heart of the one we love.  Here, the Lord is telling us that within the heart of man, He puts His counsel deep within it.  The heart is likened unto a well and if we are women of understanding we should consider drawing counsel out as if we were at a well drawing water.  To draw water requires an empty container being lowered to the depth of the water level.  We must not come at our friends with advice before we probe with an open heart and mind to a depth beyond which they are operating.  The lowering involves humility and teach-ability.  Asking people open-ended questions inviting them to listen to the counsel of the Lord is one of the best ways to help them grow in their ability to hear the Lord and follow Him.  If Christ dwells in their hearts by faith, then He is there as their Wonderful Counselor and is speaking to them.  Sometimes people just have too much muck sitting on top of the water of their hearts and we need to help them go deeper to the voice they can trust.  Being a good friend is helping another person tune in to the Lord, hear Him and obey Him.  The next time someone comes to us for advice, picture yourself with an open bucket lowering it deep in their hearts seeking to draw out the counsel that the Lord is putting there.