Thursday, August 28, 2014

Knowing God - He Has Power to Forgive

Matt 9:6
But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins, (then saith he to the sick of the palsy,) Arise, take up thy bed, and go unto thine house.

He Has Power On Earth to Forgive Sins

Jesus’ power/jurisdiction was to be known by humanity.  Jesus’ healing of this man was intended not only for the man’s well being but for the legitimization of His authority to forgive sins on the earth.  Christ wants us to know that He forgives and He has the delegated influence to forgive sins on this earth.  This man had the palsy and was unable to walk.  He was restricted, confined and unable to get where he needed to go in a smooth, unhindered manner.  When our sins are upon us, we, like this man, will find ourselves lame and slowed down in all that the Lord has for us.  Jesus forgives sins.  That is why we must preach Jesus to others and not just a vague concept of some eternal deity.  Jesus has the power on this earth to forgive sins.  This forgiveness brings liberty, freedom and the ability to cover the ground He wants us to cover.  He forgives! He has the authority to do so.
The healing we need
Is the one deep within,
Where the Forgiver of Sinners

Forgives us of sin.

Proverbs - Walking Uprightly

Proverbs 28:18

Whoso walketh uprightly shall be saved:
but he that is perverse in his ways shall fall at once.

Walking uprightly will result in being able to see where we are walking.  If we are walking with double standards and mixed motivations we will fall.  It is important that we know that our lives are not our own and we should be open before the Lord for His leading and purposes for our lives.  We shouldn’t lean on our own understanding and take paths motivated by our sinful nature.  We need to not be led by the lusts of the flesh, the lusts of the eyes or the pride of life.  Walking uprightly means we are not keeping secrets or changing our directions based on a given influence.  We are walking as the Lord directs and we want to be corrected, led and in His perfect will for our lives.  This way we will be safe an not fall at once.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Knowing God - He Has Authority Over Demons

Mark 5:13
 And forthwith Jesus gave them leave. And the unclean spirits went out, and entered into the swine: and the herd ran violently down a steep place into the sea, (they were about two thousand;) and were choked in the sea.

He Has Power Over the Demonic World

This man in the story was possessed by many demons.  These demons were tormenting this man and making his life unlivable.  When Jesus confronted these demons, He had a conversation with them.  The demons asked Jesus if they could be sent into the swine.  Jesus gave them leave.  He gave them permission and decided where they would go.  When we pray and ask Jesus for help from the enemy’s tactics and maneuvers, we can be confident that Jesus has the final authority over the hosts of wickedness.  Our prayers are not token prayers meant to appease our fears and silence our anxieties due to some sort of meditative exercise in order to escape a vague evil presence.  Our prayers are directed to the One who decides and commands demons as to where they must go and where they must leave.  All things were created by Him and all things were created for Him.  He is the Lord of Lords and King of Kings!

Proverbs - Don't Help Cover Guilt

Proverbs 28:17

A man that doeth violence to the blood of any person shall flee to the pit;
let no man stay him.

The Lord is warning us not to hide and protect the guilty.  They may sense the need to run from judgment but we are not to assist them in this.  Everyone that does right comes to the light.  Some people don’t want to come to the light because their deeds are evil and they don’t want these things exposed.  We don’t uncover the sins of others as they seek forgiveness and choose to walk in newness of life but if someone has done something and is running from its consequences, we should not be privy to such a course.  Guilt has been given by God and it is an appropriate response for sin.  It drives the sinner to seek cleansing.  Let us not get in the way of the work of the Holy Spirit in someone’s life.  The Lord loves them and will use their shame and fear to draw them to His side – the side that poured out the last of His sinless blood that can cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 

Monday, August 25, 2014

He Determines Approval

2 Tim 2:15
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

He Determines Approval

God is the One who decides if we have studied His Word appropriately or not.  It is not the popular Christian opinion, nor the renegade’s original theological stance, but the approval of God that warrants whether we have studied His Word the way He wants it studied.  God is watching.  God is evaluating.  It is the word of GOD.  It belongs to Him and came forth from Him.  How dare we recklessly divide His Word as if we were performing an autopsy of some sort of dead ancient writings!  The Word of God is alive and to be treated with upmost reverence, respect and recognition that it is God alone that determines whether we have handled it well.  The approval we need comes from Him alone.  All other affirmation or rejection is irrelevant when determining our proper handling of His Word!

Proverbs - Oppression Comes From Lack of Understanding

Proverbs 28:16

The prince that wanteth understanding is also a great oppressor: but he that hateth covetousness shall prolong his days.

The word ‘wanteth’ here is an Old English word which means ‘lacks’.  When someone is in authority and they don’t have nor want understanding they will tend to be very oppressive and difficult to serve under.  It would be wise for us to pray for those over us that they would have understanding.  We are also told here that if a prince or person hates covetousness they will prolong their days.  This is a contrasting verse.  The first part tells us that about a prince lacking understanding and the second explains that hating covetousness will cause our days of authority to last longer.  This could infer that if we are covetous we lack understanding.  Do we not understand that God has given us just what we need and might I add – even more than that?  If we look to other things, other husbands, other gifts, we are guilty of idolatry concluding our peace will come from these things.  Oh Lord, help us be content with what we have and quick to thank you for all you have already given us.  This will protect us from anxiety and restlessness that will most likely impact our health and disposition. 

Friday, August 22, 2014

Knowing God - Morning and Evening are His

Ps 113:3
From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the Lord's name is to be praised.

The Lord’s Name is To Be Praised

Some of us are morning people.  Others of us are night owls.  Some of us see the break of dawn as an opportunity to tackle the day and are filled with great hope and determination.  Others see the night as a time that we can do things without the needless interruptions of those on a regular schedule.  Some of us see the morning as an overwhelming moment facing the day and demands that await us.  Others see the night as a sad, lonely time quiet of human interaction that comforts and fills our lives with relationship and intimacy.  No matter what we are, God is both!  From the rising of the sun until it goes down, His name is to be praised.  He is to be praised before the day begins and He is to be praised at the end of it as well.  No matter what the day will hold or what it has held, His name is to be praised.  Perhaps we should begin our morning praising Him and His name; telling Jesus how much we love Him and trusting the day to His care.  Perhaps our last words from our lips should be praise to Jesus for taking us through the day and trusting Him to give us the wisdom to process all that has happened.  Lord, you are the Alpha and Omega and the beginning and the end. 

At the start and end of our days,

Lord, to You, we bring our praise.

Proverbs - No Roaring!

Proverbs 28:15

As a roaring lion, and a ranging bear; so is a wicked ruler over the poor people.

Roaring lions and ranging bears intimidate and bring fear to their prey.  We are not to rule like that.  Our children don’t need us to be roaring lions.  We are wicked when we are like this.  We must maintain a calmness even in the most difficult parenting situations.  When we do roar or range we should confess this as wickedness and realize that our children are not to be treated as such.  He can change you.  He loves to make all things new.  He can take your weakness and turn it into a strength.  You should get a sister to be accountable to if you find yourself roaring.  It is unacceptable in the eyes of the Lord and you must confess and forsake this behavior.  He can forgive you and change you.  As your children see you confess and forsake this behavior you will find mercy.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Knowing God - He Determines Our Entrance

2 Peter 1:11
For so an entrance shall be ministered unto you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
He Determines Our Entrance

Those of us who are in Christ are promised a place in the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  Our credentials for being there are wrapped up in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross and His resurrection.  When He said, “It is finished”, it was finished.  When He conquered the grave and rose from the dead, death was determined to be ultimately powerless in the face of a sinless and holy Savior.  But, here we learn something about the entrance itself into the everlasting kingdom.  God has set up some things, like crowns and rewards within the kingdom as well as position of rule and the entrance into the kingdom itself.  The everlasting kingdom belongs to Jesus Christ and He has the authority to determine what qualifies for entrance as well as the type of entrance one experiences.  Do I totally understand what this means? No, but I do stand back and have a healthy respect for the Lord, knowing He is watching my stewardship of such a salvation and does determine certain angles when I stand before His presence.  Let us remember that eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor has it entered into the heart of man, all that the Lord has planned for us.  Let this prioritize our lives and make us diligent within our call and election.

Proverbs - Help Us Have Soft Hearts

Proverbs 28:14

Happy is the man that feareth alway:
but he that hardeneth his heart shall fall into mischief.

Soften our hearts Lord.  Keep our consciences clear and open.  Holy Spirit, convict us of that which would grieve You.  Oh Lord, help us be women who fear you always. Help us fear you in all scenarios and situations.  Give us hearts of flesh that feel what you want us to feel.  Show us if we start to harden our hearts to your voice in even the minutest way.  We want to be happy women and we don’t want to fall into mischief.  When you speak may we listen and obey.  When you disapprove, may we refuse and reject.  When you call us away, may we run to you and be safe.  Give us tender hearts that we might avoid unnecessary mischief.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Knowing God - The Lord Wants Us To Watch with Him

Matt 26:38
 Then saith he unto them, My soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death: tarry ye here, and watch with me.

The Lord Wants Us to Watch with Him

Jesus is talking to his disciples and tells them that he was extremely sad and sorrowful.  He asks them to wait with Him and pray with Him.  When the Lord Jesus paid the incredible price of His own life to tear down the veil between us and God, He didn’t just do it because we needed it, but also because He desires fellowship with us.  The things that make the Lord sad should make us sad.  We should wait in His presence and pray to Him about the things that grieve His heart.  We should be in a place where His concerns become our concerns.  We should come before Him and pray for those things that grieve His heart.  The Lord wants us to wait in His presence and watch with Him.

Proverbs - Confess and Forsake

Proverbs 28:13

He that covereth his sins shall not prosper:
but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.

Adam and Eve tried to cover their sins and were unsuccessful.  Hiding from God is quite the futile pursuit.  If we try to cover our sins we will not prosper.  Everything will be affected.  We are instructed by God in this verse to confess and forsake our sins.  We don’t just confess and we don’t just forsake.  We must do both.  Agree with God.  Make amends with those affected by our sinful choices and then forsake those sins.  The people around you will eventually give you mercy because they see that you are not only taking responsibility for what you have done, but you are seeking to not continue in those patterns.  Do you want to find mercy?  Confess and forsake your sins.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Proverbs - Wicked Authority

Proverbs 28:12

When righteous men do rejoice, there is great glory:
but when the wicked rise, a man is hidden.

Oh that the authority over us would be righteous and not wicked.  When we have righteous people over us things are so wonderful.  We sense the safety and covering of those who seek the Lord and rule according to His ways.  We are not afraid of their moods and changes.  We know they are seeking to please the Lord and honor Him.  When the wicked rise to power we almost brace ourselves for the unexpected.  There is self-centered decision making and favoritism.  There are double standards to be expected and most likely deception and bad examples to be dealt with.  Lord, we pray we could be righteous in our places of authority you have given us and we pray that you will protect us from having the wicked rise to power over us. 

Monday, August 18, 2014

Knowing God - He Went HIS Way

Luke 4:28-30
And all they in the synagogue, when they heard these things, were filled with wrath, And rose up, and thrust him out of the city, and led him unto the brow of the hill whereon their city was built, that they might cast him down headlong. But he passing through the midst of them went his way,

He Went HIS Way

Jesus provoked the religious leaders and they were filled with wrath.  They knew He had been talking about them in the previous verses and decided they would take him to the top of a hill and ‘accidentally’ throw him over and kill him.  Since they didn’t like what Jesus was saying they decided they would stop Him from speaking.  Jesus passed through the enraged mob and went HIS way.  He was not going to be guided by the wrath of man.  He was not going to be silenced by those who didn’t want to hear.  Jesus had things to do and people to see and those who didn’t like it were not going to hinder or divert His plans.  Jesus will not be controlled by the majority.  Jesus will not be ordered or coerced to do anything by those He has created.  Jesus passes through the midst of evil plans and continues seeing His purposes come to pass.  Jesus is Lord.

Proverbs - Good Questions

Proverbs 28:11

The rich man is wise in his own conceit;
but the poor that hath understanding searcheth him out.

Lacking our own resources often helps us seek outside of ourselves for ideas and ways we might never have tried if it were so near to us.  We can grow in our understanding of how to handle our lives when we realize we need advice and counsel.  Our pride wants to stop us but when we lack we gain humility and openness.  It is a great thing to learn from others.  Are you a good question asker?  Do you ever just pick someone’s brain about life that you might admire or know they have wisdom in an area you don’t?  When we ask for wisdom the Lord can send us that wisdom through people around us.  Search out those around you and grow from what they have learned. 

Friday, August 15, 2014

Knowing God - The Lord Cares About Our Needs

Mark 8:2-3
I have compassion on the multitude, because they have now been with me three days, and have nothing to eat: And if I send them away fasting to their own houses, they will faint by the way: for divers of them came from far.
The Lord Cares About Our Needs

The Lord Jesus had been teaching the people wonderful things but He cared for even more than eternal spiritual truths.   He cared about temporal human need as well.  Jesus was moved and had compassion that these people were hungry.  He was even sensitive to how far they had travelled to come.  He even considered the results of certain types of solutions to their need.  We learn that our Lord cares about our human needs.  He doesn’t just provide for our needs, His compassion is associated with His provision.  What a loving God we have.  If you find yourself a bit overwhelmed with the human side of existence, remember that your Lord has compassion on you and will take care of you because He loves you!

Proverbs - Don't Tempt

Proverbs 28:10

Whoso causeth the righteous to go astray in an evil way, he shall fall himself into his own pit: but the upright shall have good things in possession.

This is a stern warning to the man or woman who causes the righteous to go astray in an evil way.  He shall fall into his own pit.  The righteous person who realizes they were led astray and returns shall not lose it all but the one who intentionally wanted to make the righteous fall will be judged harshly.  If you have been deceived take responsibility for following the wrong voice and then come close to your Redeemer.  He can make all things new.  Trust Him with your sins and trust Him to be more powerful than any sin you have committed.  Do not insult the blood of Christ with the pride of your failure.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Knowing God - He Can Make Us Likeminded

Rom 15:5
Now the God of patience and consolation grant you to be likeminded one toward another according to Christ Jesus:

God Can Make Us Likeminded

Sometimes we just have a hard time getting along with someone.  We find ourselves thinking totally differently than them.  This could happen in a marriage or in a ministry or even a friendship.  Sometimes we try to make them see it our way or end up confused with their perspective.  In this verse we learn that our God can grant us to be likeminded one toward another.  We can pray and ask Him to make us likeminded.  Don’t get too frustrated with your relationship problems.  Perhaps this is a problem that deserves this kind of prayer.  Don’t just pray it once.  Pray it daily for those key relationships you have.  Our God is able to grant us to be likeminded one toward another according to Christ Jesus.

Proverbs - The Word and Prayer - a Direct Relationship

Proverbs 28:9

He that turneth away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer shall be abomination.

We must not turn our ear away from hearing the law.  If we are a people who are always praying and asking but refusing to hear from the scriptures, the Lord tells us that our prayer shall be an abomination.  That is a pretty strong word!  We must be disciples who sit down and hear what God has said in His Word and not just want some sort of personal revelation that might very well contradict what He has already said.  Sometimes I am praying about something and then I go to church and find the answer in the bible study.  This is very exciting.  If I pray and then stay home from church and not open the word, what kind of relationship is that?  It is an abomination.  Let us be hearers of His Word and women that pray alongside what He has already spoken.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Proverbs - Redistributing Wealth

Proverbs 28:8

He that by usury and unjust gain increaseth his substance, he shall gather it for him that will pity the poor.

The Lord has an interesting way of getting His blessings to His people.  Here we learn that those who increase their earnings by the wrong things will end up having it go to those who really need it.  How does He do this?  Sometimes there are police raids that gather the cash from a drug dealer’s house and this money is sent to places where it is needed.  Cars and vehicles are seized and sold at auction to support our police departments and those the department chooses to bless.  Unpaid taxes by tax evaders are collected with interest and help local schools and community programs.  The Lord is a judge and He is able to use that which was gained by wrong to accomplish His purposes

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Knowing God - He Satisfies and Renews

Ps 103:5
Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle's.
He Satisfies and Renews

We learn two things that the Lord does in our lives.  He satisfies and renews.  Satisfaction is that which leaves us content and our needs and even some desires most likely met.  Satisfaction brings about a peace and ability to enjoy where we are.  Satisfaction is something that silences anxieties and speaks rest to our inner man.  The Lord satisfies us and He satisfies us with good things.  Truly our satisfaction comes from GOOD things and our God is good.  He will put things in our lives that He intends to be used to bring about satisfaction and contentment in our lives.  He then renews us.  He lets us be those little children again excitedly discovering new things each day.  When He is over our lives there is a youthful anticipation of what our living God will be doing in our days and lives.  He does these things.  He satisfies and He renews.  Thank you Lord for these two things; truly our lives are filled with a quality those who don’t know you don’t have.  

Proverbs - Praying About Friends

Proverbs 28:7

Whoso keepeth the law is a wise son:
but he that is a companion of riotous men shameth his father.

Praying for young people’s friends should be a regular discipline.  If they choose friends that go towards partying and lawlessness they will do thing that bring shame to their fathers.  As we raise our children or see those in the youth groups, we would do well to shoot up prayers asking God to surround them with people who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.  Pray that they would walk with the wise and have mentors and associates who will be like iron sharpening iron. 

Monday, August 11, 2014

Knowing God - He Refreshes

Acts 3:19
Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord;
The Lord Refreshes

We learn from this scripture that the presence of the Lord brings times of refreshing.  Oftentimes we face our days and burdens knowing the Lord is with us but not having had focused in His presence.  We wonder why we are dragging and our lives are feeling a little stale and we are weary of things.  It might be because we haven’t had that time in His presence – the time of refreshing.  When someone has been exercising or perhaps working in the hot sun they can feel extremely dirty and tired.  But then, alas, they take a nice hot shower and feel refreshed.  They enter the presence of the showerhead and place themselves directly in the path of the water.  Then, they feel refreshed.  Let’s repent of any sin, enjoy the forgiveness of sin and then enter into His presence allowing His presence to refresh and rejuvenate us!

Proverbs - When Is It Better Being Poor?

Proverbs 28:6

Better is the poor that walketh in his uprightness, than he that is perverse in his ways, though he be rich.

This is one of those ‘better’ verses again.  It is better to be poor and be doing what is right in the eyes of the Lord than to be rich and being twisted and crooked in our lives.  If we find ourselves falling short financially we should rejoice that we have clean consciences and have not sown seeds that will come back and get us later.  Not having ‘things’ but having an upright life is incomparable.  There is fast approaching a day when having an upright life will be as rare as a black diamond.  The worth of such integrity is far greater than the most admired trinkets this world has to give.  At your funeral, no one will rave over your finances, but your character will be eulogized.  God says it is better to walk in uprightness and be poor than be rich and corrupt.  Do you believe Him? Then, my dear sister, live like you do!

Proverbs - When Is It Better Being Poor?

Proverbs 28:6

Better is the poor that walketh in his uprightness, than he that is perverse in his ways, though he be rich.

This is one of those ‘better’ verses again.  It is better to be poor and be doing what is right in the eyes of the Lord than to be rich and being twisted and crooked in our lives.  If we find ourselves falling short financially we should rejoice that we have clean consciences and have not sown seeds that will come back and get us later.  Not having ‘things’ but having an upright life is incomparable.  There is fast approaching a day when having an upright life will be as rare as a black diamond.  The worth of such integrity is far greater than the most admired trinkets this world has to give.  At your funeral, no one will rave over your finances, but your character will be eulogized.  God says it is better to walk in uprightness and be poor than be rich and corrupt.  Do you believe Him? Then, my dear sister, live like you do!

Friday, August 8, 2014

Knowing God - Too High to Count

Ps 40:5
Many, O Lord my God, are thy wonderful works which thou hast done, and thy thoughts which are to us-ward: they cannot be reckoned up in order unto thee: if I would declare and speak of them, they are more than can be numbered.
Too High To Count

Here the psalmist is praising the Lord.  He is telling the Lord how many wonderful works He has done.  He is considering all of the thoughts that the Lord has towards Him.   He comes to the conclusion that the wonderful works and thoughts that God has towards Him were more than He could count.  What a wonderful truth.  Even if we were to have actually recognized and kept record of all God has done for us, there would be too many for us to count.  The thoughts He has towards us are so many that we couldn’t count them.  What love the Lord has for us.  What attention the Lord gives us.  Don’t feel isolated or neglected.  He loves you, thinks about you and does wonderful works.

Proverbs - Seek and Understand

Proverbs 28:5

Evil men understand not judgment: but they that seek the Lord understand all things.

What a wonderful promise!  When I seek the Lord I will understand ALL things.  He will help me with cooking, cleaning, parenting, math, people, love and other things.  Sometimes I want understanding and I head down the road seeking understanding.  This is noble but truly seeking the Lord Himself brings understanding.  Reading His Word to grasp His mind and heart on matters, praying to connect with His purposes and living in a way to reflect His nature, result in an understanding about life.  We know what is valuable.  We find out what is a waste of our time and effort.  Seek the Lord!  He will give you understanding.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Knowing God - Our Help Comes From God

Gen 49:25
Even by the God of thy father, who shall help thee; and by the Almighty, who shall bless thee with blessings of heaven above…

Our Help Comes From God

Our God is a father who will help us.  This means we need help.  There is nothing wrong with being in a place where we feel helpless.  It means we have less help than we need.  That causes us to go to our Father, God, and look to Him to help us.  He is not bothered with our cries of desperation; He is worshiped by our need for Him.  He is not weary with our pleas for help; He is honored by them.  He is not limited in His ability to send help; He is the Almighty.  He loves to help.  Our God is a father who loves His children and loves to help.  He sends strength, comfort, wisdom, endurance and promises to bless us with blessings from heaven above.  If you and I can’t find the help we need inside of us or from people around us, don’t panic; look up!  God, our father, shall help us and He shall bless us with blessings from heaven ABOVE!

Proverbs - Uphold the Law - Contend with the Wicked

Proverbs 28:4

They that forsake the law praise the wicked:
 but such as keep the law contend with them.

As followers of the Lord, we should love the law.  The law keeps order and represents authority.  As we submit ourselves to the law we actually contend with the wicked. Have you ever felt that this world’s wickedness was almost suffocating and you were helpless in such a battle?  Here we see one way we can actually contend with the wicked.  We can keep the law and submit ourselves to it.  We may think that showing the waitress they left an item off our bill is quite insignificant but, in fact, we are battling the wicked by upholding truth.  We may think that slowing down in a school zone is just protecting us from a ticket but, in fact, we are contending with the wicked.  Righteousness shines and our deeds ought to shine in such a way that men end up giving glory to our Father in heaven.  Contend with the wicked!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Knowing God - He Is Our Hope

Ps 78:7
That they might set their hope in God, and not forget the works of God, but keep his commandments:

God Wants Our Hope

Hope.  This word has been watered down in modern English.  We use the word hope to express a slight expectation of something but deep down inside we aren't going to get too excited about it.  The biblical hope is a hope that is rooted in trust/faith.  Hope in the Word of God is describing an anticipation rooted in an expectation that God can do anything and that God will do the best possible thing in a situation.  This is a hope that involves looking forward to something you know is really good and is going to come your way.  Here, the Lord is revealing to us that our hope is to be set in Him.  Our hope isn't really in the things that God will do but in God Himself.  Our hope is not to be put anywhere else.  We are not looking to a person, the government, ourselves, the doctors or some sort of promise that has been made by anyone other than the Lord Himself.  We must SET our hope in God.  We must be a people who awaken each morning and look up!  We must become those little children who are excited for each new day because our God has things in mind for us and truly works wonders we could never have thought of.  God is the place for our hope.  God is the one we can look to expectantly and with great anticipation.  Why are you cast down?  Hope in God!

Proverbs - Let Affliction Work Compassion

Proverbs 28:3

A poor man that oppresseth the poor is like a sweeping rain which leaveth no food.

Going through rough times is intended to work compassion in us for those in our future facing similar circumstances.  How could a poor man oppress a poor man?  Easily, he has forgotten he is poor and exalts himself.   When we are in affliction we can be easily consumed with our problems and insensitive to the plight of those around us.  This is like a rain which leaves no food.  Being in the midst of need should work in us a great empathy and understanding of those in need.  Sisters, when you and I face such circumstances we must be cautious about the pride of affliction.  This is a self focus that prevents the work that God wants to do in and through us during our trials.  We must look at what we don’t see.  What is the Lord doing in our hearts?  What is He speaking to us?  How does He want to work in and through this time?  The things that happen to us will work for us a much greater glory while we look at the things that are unseen and not the things that are seen.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Knowing God - In His Favor There is Life

Ps 30:5
For … his favour is life: ….

In His Favor There Is Life

In God’s favor there is life.  Realizing that God is for you and not against you should produce life.  There should be an anticipation of new and good things coming your way.  If we feel like things are dying or fading away perhaps we are losing sight of the favor we have with God through Jesus Christ.  The accuser of our brethren enjoys pointing out our faults and leading us to the conclusion that God is against us.  Yes, we have faults.  Yes, we sin.  But God’s favor is upon us and we can enjoy His divine delight because we are accepted in the beloved on Christ’s merits alone!  The Lord’s favor produces life because we can realize that the God of this universe loves us and is for us.  We can face the day knowing that God, Himself, is a God who has adopted us as His dear children.  He loves us and we are His favorite!

Proverbs - Blame and Authority

Proverbs 28:2

For the transgression of a land many are the princes thereof: but by a man of understanding and knowledge the state thereof shall be prolonged.

When something goes wrong it seems like people tend to blame many people.  If something goes wrong at home or work the proper order of authority seems to be in a bit of confusion.  If there is to be a healthy environment, those in authority must know their place and rule with knowledge and understanding.  If our husbands have put us in charge of something and we fail in our responsibilities we should take the blame and seek to bring about a solution.  Do you know what you are in charge of?  Do you ever blame your husband for things you might have been lazy about?  Do you take time to understand and seek for knowledge to rule over the areas of responsibility you have been given?  To bless our homes, we must begin to take our duties seriously and trust that the state of our family will be prolonged as we are women of understanding and knowledge.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Knowing God - He is Our Joy

Ps 43:4
….God my exceeding joy…
God is Our Joy

We often find joy in many activities and many relationships, but activities start and stop.  Relationships are often contaminated by sin and imperfect love.  The joy we often find in both of these things is temporary and not reliable.  God is to be our exceeding joy.  He will never sin against us, He is always available, and never slumbers or sleeps.  The joy we need that is intended to give us strength is the joy that is found in God Himself.  He is to be our EXCEEDING joy.  If we are lacking joy could it be because we have neglected Him?

Proverbs - Confidence Comes From Obedience

Proverbs 28:1

The wicked flee when no man pursueth:
 but the righteous are bold as a lion.

If we are doing what the Lord says is right we don’t have to run.  We can face a situation trusting in the breastplate of righteousness to protect our hearts.  If you have to attend a gathering where you are afraid of someone ask the Lord if you are being wicked or being righteous.  If you stand with a clean conscience before the Lord it doesn’t matter who is there.  You don’t have to cower, you can be as bold as a lion.  A lion belongs.  He doesn’t have to roar.  He just walks through the jungle with a disposition that he has every right to be there.  If you find yourself fleeing, be open to the Holy Spirit showing you where you might have done something wicked.  If you are walking in an upright manner, you, like the lion, can go anywhere without being intimidated. 

Friday, August 1, 2014

Knowing God - He Establishes and Settles

1 Peter 5:10
But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you.

Establishing and Settling

Our God wants to establish and settle us.  The word ‘stablish’ here in the KJV is also translated ‘establish’.  It means “to set fast, to turn resolutely in a certain direction”.  The Lord will use suffering in our lives to adjust our direction or position us more firmly in the direction He has for us. The word; ‘settle’ in this text means, ‘to lay a foundation’.  Our God, of ALL grace, wants our lives to be grounded and strong in its very essence and basis.  When we bring the sufferings we face to our God, He will take those seasons and use them to give us a strong, solid foundation and a resolute direction causing our lives to be purposeful and positioned.  God is able to do this.  He establishes us and settle us.  The sufferings we go through often bring about temporal disorientation and we can find ourselves lacking clear direction.  Sufferings often shake the very foundation of all we have been building on.  This is good.  The end result, AFTER we have suffered awhile will be clear direction and a firm foundation.  Our God is able to do this.

Proverbs - Priorities THEN Pleasure

Proverbs 27:26-27

The lambs are for thy clothing, and the goats are the price of the field.
And thou shalt have goats' milk enough for thy food, for the food of thy household, and for the maintenance for thy maidens.

A shepherd who looks well to his flocks and knows that there are seasons for food and seasons that will be difficult for his flocks to graze, is one who is a good shepherd.  This shepherd will have wool clothing and milk from his goats for his family.  Do you consider seasons in your grazing?  Do you anticipate time that might be difficult to spend time with the Lord and take advantage of down times that facilitate such communion?  Do you know that pleasurable pursuits are only to be taken upon His leading after you have done His priorities?  If you know this, you will be clothed well and those around you will be well taken care of.