Friday, October 31, 2014

Knowing God - God Keeps Truth Forever

Ps 146:5-6
Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the Lord his God: Which made heaven, and earth, the sea, and all that therein is: which keepeth truth for ever:

God Keeps Truth Forever

God is the creator of everything there is and He is the One who keeps truth forever.  We are happy when God is our help and when God is our hope.  Since He is the creator, He understands all things and all resources are at His disposal.  He does not change the truth to fit the scenario but delivers truth to confront, direct and counsel in the scenario.   When we seek God for answers and direction we can be confident that He will give us truthful answers that hold up under all kinds of stormy situations.  God is truth and He speaks truth.  When we are in a place of confusion and need help and hope, it is in the truth God has that we will find peace and sure footedness.  Our God keeps truth forever and is to be sought and trusted.

Proverbs - Feeling Repulsed?

Proverbs 29:27

An unjust man is an abomination to the just:
and he that is upright in the way is abomination to the wicked.

Here we see the contrast between two groups of people.  The just man is an abomination to the wicked and the wicked man is an abomination to the just.  An abomination is something that is detested.  Light and darkness don’t dwell together.  There is a built in repelling factor.  Those who are born of God will sense a great chasm between themselves and those who are yet under the sway of the wicked one.  Those who are yet dead in sins often disdain those who are walking in the light because their deeds become exposed as evil.  This conflict is acceptable and not personal.  If we understand this we won’t confuse the natural repulsion we have with wickedness and yet seek to love the person committing such acts.  We are not to have fellowship with the world.  Our fellowship is with the Father and His Son Jesus Christ.  Our fellowship is with those who are born of God and like-minded in Him.  Don’t be overly concerned if you feel far away from those who surround you and yet not know Christ.  Love them and accept the repulsion for wickedness itself.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Knowing God - He Will Warn Us Early

Jer 44:4
Howbeit I sent unto you all my servants the prophets, rising early and sending them, saying, Oh, do not this abominable thing that I hate.

The Lord is speaking through Jeremiah here in this verse and is revealing the inevitable calamity that will come upon His people as a result of hardening their hearts to God’s warnings.   God tells them here that He sent his prophets early and warned them way before the consequences became inevitable.  Our God is a God of warning and when His judgment comes we can be assured that God had sent warnings and commands with the hope of a turning away from the course of destruction and onto the path of healing and hope.  We must remain in a place of readiness and humility, hearing and heeding the Lord’s warnings.  They will come early.  He will send them.  Let’s listen, learn and live!

Proverbs - Get Judgment

Proverbs 29:26

Many seek the ruler's favour; but every man's judgment cometh from the Lord.

Sometimes we look to people to tell us whether we are doing a good job or not.  We could expect our husband’s approval or a friend’s warm response but it is much better to go before the Lord and get His judgment of the matter.  How do we get this judgment?  One way is to lie in bed at night and review the day before the Lord is prayer.  Bring our relationships and responsibilities before Him and seek His evaluation.  A scripture might come to mind regarding a situation.  This is God speaking.  It could be a verse that affirms and approves or one that rebukes and corrects.  It could be a verse that directs us for the next day or maybe we might just sense the Holy Spirit grieving or the mind of Christ approving.   We can pray after a task or ministry and ask the Lord to reveal His judgment on it.  Remember not to just listen for what you might have done wrong but be open to His joy and gladness over your works.  He is a good Father and good fathers give lots of praise and encouragement. 

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Proverbs - Being Trapped By What Others' Think

Proverbs 29:25

The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe.

A snare is a trap set to catch prey.  It is intended to trap the prey for the kill or abduction.  When we have the fear of man we can get entangled and trapped.  When we are concerned about pleasing people we will not be able to walk freely in what God wants us to do.  The opposite of the fear of man is putting our trust in the Lord. We need to trust the Lord and not worry about what other people think so that we can be free to make the progress God has for us.  Oh Lord, take away the fear of man from us that we might not be snared but be free to follow you.

Knowing God - God Brings Light

Gen 1:3
And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

God spoke and light was there.  This is a great truth about our God, His words and voice.  God’s words have creative power.  They can bring something into existence that wasn’t there before.  The same God that said “Let there be light:  and there was light”, is the same God who, through His word, can speak light into any situation that seems clouded, dark or dim.  As we approach His Word, listen for His voice and believe Him, we will see light come into a situation because He has spoken.  We are often people who think if we have more details about a problem, then we will see things clearly enough to work out a solution.  We need to hear from God in matters concerning those details.   He needs to speak and then the light will be on and matters will be understood with clarity and direction.  Our God is the same yesterday, today and forever and we need to be in a place where we trust that as He spoke and created light, He now speaks and creates light into relationships and situations that would otherwise be hazy and unclear.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Knowing God - His Angels

Ps 103:20
Bless the Lord, ye his angels, that excel in strength, that do his commandments, hearkening unto the voice of his word.

The angels that serve the Lord are HIS angels.  He has them in rank and position to be about His business and hearken to the voice of His word.  The angelic beings that are on the Lord’s side excel in strength.  They are strong and they do the Lord’s commandments.  Many times artists portray angels and chubby little beings that seem dazed and confused.  This verse is letting us know that the angels bless the Lord by being strong, obedient and carrying out the Lord’s commands.  They do not bring attention to themselves.   They bring glory to God.  I wonder how many times they have been the vessels through whom God did amazing things and we did not recognize it.  We end up thanking God and not the angels and that is the way they would have it.  They desire their service to bless the Lord and I am sure that is what we often experience.  

Proverbs - Young People and Their Friends

Proverbs 29:24

Whoso is partner with a thief hateth his own soul:
he heareth cursing, and bewrayeth it not.

This verse is telling us that being friends with someone who steals can put you in a difficult situation.  You might hear his plans to commit a crime and won’t speak up when there is an investigation.  You bring on yourself torment and a moral dilemma by being exposed to wicked and evil plans and then having to reconcile betraying your friendship.  The book of Proverbs is primarily written to young people.  This particular warning is about the type of company one keeps.  We should pray that our children do not hang around thieves or find themselves privy to information too heavy for them to process.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Knowing God - Death Has No Dominion Over Him

Rom 6:9
Knowing that Christ being raised from the dead dieth no more; death hath no more dominion over him.

Christ has raised from the dead.   Death has no dominion over him.  We can come to Christ with an impending death and know that He has authority over death and we can trust Him with such matters.  Death often intimidates us.  We have not gone through death before and when someone we love dies, we find ourselves processing such a loss with great grief and emotional upheaval.  We can come to Christ and seek His dominion and His rule over matters involving death.  Death has been our greatest enemy but Jesus Christ has conquered death.  Although we don’t like death and it has yet to be thrown into the lake of fire, we can find great safety in knowing our Jesus has conquered death and in Him we can face death without a sense of helplessness.  He has risen.  Death is not even a slightly equal contender against Jesus Christ.  Thank you Lord Jesus for being the resurrection and the life!

Proverbs - Pride Brings Us Low

Proverbs 29:23

A man's pride shall bring him low:
 but honour shall uphold the humble in spirit.

Humility of spirit is an inner disposition rooted in a deep sense of how great God is and how dependent we are on His grace and power.  The spirit of a woman is to be meek and gentle.  This is of high value in God’s economy.  As women who are Jesus’ followers, we should be established in His grace and seeking to draw the resources we need to build our homes from Him.  He gives grace to the humble.  Grace can work through us and grace can establish us.  By approaching each day and situation with an open spirit to His wisdom and leading, we will find ourselves held in honor by those who surround us.  If we exalt ourselves we will find ourselves falling hard.  If we take the lower seat, ask questions rather than declare judgments and ponder His will rather than force ours upon others, we will be upheld in honor.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Knowing God - His Presence Brings Contentment

Heb 13:5
Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.

Here we are told that contentment with the things we have is directly linked to the promise of God’s presence and help in our lives.  When we have a lifestyle that is rooted in getting more we speak of disconnect of the wealth we have in the Lord Jesus’ presence in our lives.  Although this statement is not recorded in the gospels, it is believed that Jesus Christ said this to His disciples when He was here on the earth.  Obviously the Lord left to go and be seated at the right hand of the Father.  His promised companionship and help was not linked in His physical presence and what they would see.  His faithfulness would be shown without having to see.  By His Holy Spirit He now dwells in the heart of those who have received Him and we are in a place where we can be content because He really is all that we need. He has the resources to help us.  He has the endurance to give us.  He has the joy with which to strengthen us.  He has the might to protect us.  He has the words to comfort us.  Whatever we may think we need to get through something always goes back to our Lord Jesus Himself.  He loves you and is committed to you.

Proverbs - Anger and Wrath

Proverbs 29:22

An angry man stirreth up strife, and a furious man aboundeth in transgression.

If you find yourself struggling with anger you probably have some relationship problems and find yourself crossing the line on more than one occasion.  Anger is very powerful and it often gets the best of us.  Sometimes anger comes from guilt.  We are resisting cooperating with the Lord’s prodding and we find ourselves agitated and unsettled.  Sometimes anger comes from a lack of sleep and filling our minds with worthless input.  Sometimes anger comes from pride thinking we deserve more or better than we have.  Anger is the spider of the cobwebs of strife.  Let us cease from wrath.  Let us consider mercy and humble ourselves in a place of consistent gratitude and patience towards others.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Knowing God - He Deserves Dominion

1 Peter 5:11
To him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.

The Lord deserves glory and the Lord deserves dominion.  Dominion means absolute sovereignty and the place of ruling over something.  The Lord is to be over our finances, our relationships, our sexuality, our time, our days, our bodies, our lifestyle, our future, our past etc.  When we yield control to the Lord we are giving Him what He rightfully deserves.  He deserves dominion.  When we choose what He says is right, worthy of our time or what He says is noble, we are giving Him dominion.  We praise Him by giving Him dominion.  He deserves dominion.  Perhaps you could take a moment to make a fresh commitment to His Kingship and dominion in your life!

Proverbs - He Has Treated Us as His Child

Proverbs 29:21

He that delicately bringeth up his servant from a child
shall have him become his son at the length.

The Lord delicately brings us up as his servants from our youth and we end up falling in love with Him.  Many of us used to think of the Lord as a hard driving master but He ever so delicately revealed His love and sacrifice that we might know Him as our Father.  As we cooperate with His parenting we will be better established as His children and less prone to see Him as a driving Master.  Remember all He has taught you and how his training has been delicate and kind, always motivated by love and consistent with His holiness and graciousness. 

Monday, October 20, 2014

Proverbs - Quick to Speak?

Proverbs 29:20

Seest thou a man that is hasty in his words? there is more hope of a fool than of him.

This is classic me.  I can just blurt something out and end up complicating things unnecessarily.  I will be the foolish woman who tears down my house if I am hasty with my words.  I will be worse off than a fool if I am a woman who is quick to speak.  That is quite scary!  Let us not be hasty in our words. Let us keep it in until afterwards and present our thoughts before the eyes of God until He leads us to speak.  Even if we have to stop and pray before we say something, let the pause bring a stillness and wisdom to the conversation.  

Knowing God - Jesus Has Authority

Matt 21:12
 And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves,

Jesus is God.  Jesus is King.  The Father said to the Son, “Your throne, O God, will last forever”. (Heb 1:8)  Jesus has the authority over acts of worship and what He would deem appropriate conduct among His people that claim to be facilitating His worship.  Jesus went in and cast these people out.  He overthrew the tables that held the profit of those who were making money from people’s sincere desire to please God.  When the Lord set up certain things to facilitate a growing relationship with Him, He did not intend those things to become BIG business and Christian corporations strategizing on how to make money off of Jesus’ worshippers.  It doesn’t matter how ‘successful’ a CD or book is.  It doesn’t matter if a practice at a church brings in the money or multitudes.  The judge of the matter is Jesus Christ.  We must be open to Jesus coming into our lives, our churches and searching us.  We must embrace the times He turns things upside down.  His intention in turning things upside down is to make His people upright!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Knowing God - He Has Given Us Life

Job 33:4
The Spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life.

The Lord has made us.  We did not come into this life on our own volition and He decided what time period, what country and what sort of conditions we would be born into.  His breath has given us life.  This should awaken in us a great sense of responsibility and dependence on our God.  The One who gave us life is the One by whom we must live this life.  He decided on your existence.  He should decide on what your existence should consist of.  Our God gave us life and it is the Spirit of God who made us.  He knows our weaknesses, strengths, personalities and inclinations.  Since He made us, He knows us.  Let us face this day looking to our Creator and trusting that He didn’t just create us to leave us to ourselves, but that He loves us and desires to lead us.

Proverbs - Correction

Proverbs 29:19

A servant will not be corrected by words:
 for though he understand he will not answer.

Jesus told us that he no longer calls us servants but friends.  He explained that a master does not reveal the whole plan and heart of a matter to his servant but a friend does.  A servant listens to his master and follows the directives.  He usually does not conform to the heart of the master.  A servant is usually hired for a specific task he already performs well.  Correction does not come easily because he is trained in a specific way.  We are the Lord’s friends and we should seek to understand and answer the Lord when he corrects us.  We love Him and we are not only His friends but children of God.  We want to be like Him and we are part of his family.   We are not hired servants but adopted children.  Let us be corrected by His rod and reproof and give Him delight.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Knowing God - He Answers Us

Ps 138:3
In the day when I cried thou answeredst me, and strengthenedst me with strength in my soul.

When we cry unto the Lord, He answers us.  He will not ignore us.  He is attentive to our cry.  He is our Father and He loves us SO much.  When we take that purposed time to cry out to Him, He hears and answers us.  Not only will we get the answers we need but He promises to strengthen us with strength in our soul.  Only God can strengthen our inner man.  He has the access and resources to instill deep within us the strength that we need in those times of trouble.  Trials weaken us and it is God, Himself, that can give us the strength in our souls.  He gives strength to our emotions, our will and our thoughts.  He takes the part of us that is not body, not spirit but soul and strengthens it.  He infuses strength to us and our personalities regain composure and stamina for all we face.  Have you taken the time to cry out to Him?  Perhaps you are crying out to people or whining within your own frame.  Here, we are promised answers AND strength when we cry out to Him!

Proverbs - Goals and Boundaries

Proverbs 29:18

Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.

People need goals and boundaries.  People need a hope for their future.  If there is an aimless existence, people perish and go towards depression.  Do you have a vision for your life?  Have you spoken a hope for the future to your husband and children?  Do you know that the Lord has a future and a hope for you?  If you find yourself a bit weary and discouraged reevaluate your perspective of the future.  See if you have the Lord’s commands close to your heart, trusting they are lighting a path and your feet to take you somewhere. 

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Knowing God - The Lord Desires to be Desired

Luke 24:28-29
 And they drew nigh unto the village, whither they went: and he made as though he would have gone further. But they constrained him, saying, Abide with us: for it is toward evening, and the day is far spent. And he went in to tarry with them.

The Lord Desires to be Desired

Jesus was walking with these two travelers and talking them through their troubled times regarding the events of the crucifixion.  He showed them in the scriptures how the Christ had to suffer these things.  They did not recognize Jesus at the time.  As they reached their destination they wanted more time with this wise and knowledgeable man.  Jesus acted like He was going to go on.  They insisted on Him staying with them.  This is when their eyes were opened and they recognized Him.  The Lord is seeking those who seek Him.  The Lord wants to reveal Himself to those who want Him revealed to them.  He is looking for those who hunger and pant for Him.  The Lord is found among those who seek for Him with all their hearts.  He wants to be wanted.  He loves it when people desire His presence.  He will open our eyes. 

Proverbs - Correct Your Children

Proverbs 29:17

Correct thy son, and he shall give thee rest; yea, he shall give delight unto thy soul.

Sometimes we feel we need rest so we don’t correct our children.  They will give us rest as we choose to correct them.  It takes a lot of effort up front but in the long run it will give us the rest we need.  The little things we train them in now will protect them from the big mistakes they could make later.  It is like weeding a garden before the weeds take deep root.  Sure, it takes a consistent effort to go out daily and remove the little weeds but we won’t have such a strenuous job later.  The motivation of having rest and having our children give delight to our soul can be the right one in order to correct them.  Note that the word ‘correct’ is used and not ‘punishment’. We ought to remember that the rest and delight from correcting the behavior using the rod and reproof. 

Friday, October 10, 2014

Knowing God - His Glory Can Be Seen

Isa 60:2
For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee.

God’s Glory Can Be Seen

When everything is pretty dark and ugly, the Lord will arise upon us.  We are told from Jesus that we are the light of the world.  This light is from God Himself and He wants those in darkness to come to the light.  He uses His people as beacons for those in the dark storms of sin and trouble.  The whole earth is filled with His glory and part of the way the Lord shows His glory is by having His glory be seen upon us!  When Moses came down from the mountain he had residual effects of having spent time with God.  God desires us to go out into this dark world with the illumination that only He can give.  Don’t be discouraged dear one at the darkness, trust that His glory will be seen upon you even more!  

Proverbs - Transgressions Come From Wickedness

Proverbs 29:16

When the wicked are multiplied, transgression increaseth:
but the righteous shall see their fall.

A group of people bent on resisting God usually results in sinful choices that injure many people.  When we see gangs or worldly groups at work, we can almost predict some sort of transgression will come out of it.  The chemistry of a group of wicked people will inevitably produce sin and usually more than any of us care to realize.  This can make us discouraged, weary or feel outnumbered.  The righteous will see their fall.  Wickedness cannot endure.  It is like chaff on a piece of wheat.  The wind will drive it away and wickedness is self destructive.  Don’t be discouraged by the momentary release of sin, rather wait on the Lord.  He will strengthen your heart and you will see their fall. 

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Knowing God - The Excellent Name

Ps 148:13

Let them praise the name of the Lord: for his name alone is excellent; his glory is above the earth and heaven.

The Lord’s name is excellent and it is His name alone that is.  The Lord’s glory is above the earth and heaven.  There are many famous people, dead and alive.  A name is mentioned and people have a response of awe or wonder. Whether the person is a famous actress, historical figure, a revolutionary, a scientific genius or noble warrior; these all illicit a sense of respect and wonder in those who hear their names.  How much more should the name of Jesus bring about a sense of awe and impress us deep within?  His name ALONE is excellent.  His name represents who He is and all He has done.  A name is known by the reputation behind that name.  Our God’s glory is WAY above anything here on earth or in heaven.  Let us consider the One whose name alone is excellent and come to the place where ALL other names pale in comparison to who He is and what He has done.

Proverbs - Rod and Reproof

Proverbs 29:15

The rod and reproof give wisdom:
but a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame.

The rod is equated with some sort of painful consequence and reproof is that which corrects and instructs as to why something is wrong and what should be done instead.  When we have little ones we can just be so tired.  This could cause us to leave our children to themselves but we are told this will bring us shame.  When we are tired we might end up only using one of the two tools for wisdom and then we won’t get the desired result.  We may be grouchy and just use the rod or be full of words because we are frustrated.  The next time you discipline your children be aware of the rod and reproof.  Don’t leave one out! Consider the wisdom you desire to see given to your child.  You need some sort of consequence and then a time of verbal instruction.  Do you tend to do one more than the other?  A righteous balance comes from the Lord.   He will help you.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Knowing God - He Sees Our Works

Matt 6:3-4
But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth: That thine alms may be in secret: and thy Father which seeth in secret himself shall reward thee openly.

Our Father Sees Our Works

We see that God is watching all we do.  He is the our overseer when no one is around and when we do works in secret He is with us and we have fellowship with Him as we serve.  We are not to be murmuring or complaining.  We need not feel isolated in any work we walk in.  God our Father is watching and our works are to bless Him and bring about His plans and purposes on this earth.  We should not do things to be seen by men but let our works be a sweet offering of devotion and honor to God.  These ‘secret’ times create an intimacy between us and the Lord that no one else shares.  This strengthens that first love relationship with Christ.  We need not post all we do on a social media site, nor do we need our friends to do works with us.  There is a time to be a quiet servant devoting our actions to the One who sees in secret.  Let us make sure that when we do those things in secret, we remember that our Father sees what is done is secret and will reward us openly.

Proverbs - Authority is Established by Compassion

Proverbs 29:14

The king that faithfully judgeth the poor, his throne shall be established for ever.

When we stand up for someone that is unable to defend themselves, our position is established forever.  There are those who get the brunt of the deal over and over and most people don’t have time to help them get justice.  We need to be women who consider those who cannot stand up for themselves.  Be attentive to injustice whether the person can offer any help to the cause or not.  Don’t be a respecter of persons.  Execute a right call for whoever is before you.  This will show that you are having your life ruled by the King who changes not and the compassion you show will glorify your Father in heaven.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Knowing God - God Cares When We're Sad

Luke 24:17
 And he said unto them, What manner of communications are these that ye have one to another, as ye walk, and are sad?

God Cares When We’re Sad

Jesus drew near the two that were walking to Emmaus that day and asked them about what they were talking to each other about and why are they sad.  Apart from the incredible fact that the resurrected Jesus was walking and talking with them, it is so comforting to note that Jesus mentioned that He had observed that they were sad.  Our God cares when we are sad.  He wants to draw near and question us about our sadness.  These questions are not intended to inform Him, for He knows all things, but He knows that talking through things will help bring us comfort, especially talking through these things with Him.  Jesus then takes them to the written word of God to make sense of the recent events and their impact on these two and their emotions.  Jesus will often direct us to the written Word of God to make sense of the seemingly nonsensical events that occur around us.  How precious that our God cares for us when we are sad and wants to walk and talk with us and bring us comfort!  Are you sensitive to this fact today?

Proverbs - The Same Standard

Proverbs 29:13

The poor and the deceitful man meet together: the Lord lighteneth both their eyes.

The same standard is upon us all.  We have ALL sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.  Rich man, wise man, poor man and uneducated, we are all guilty and by the Lord’s grace we can see that we are naked in His presence.  There is not a different standard for anyone.  The clothing we need is the righteousness of Christ.  He lightens our eyes that we would have them open and see our nakedness.  This should cause us to draw near to Him and be clothed upon with His righteousness – the righteousness of God given through faith in Christ Jesus.  Sinner, do you not know that you cannot enjoy the bridegroom’s table without the clothing suited for such a noble occasion?  Do you not know that any sort of garment you piece together to cover your shame is insufficient and corrupted?  Oh Lord, thank You that we can come in to the supper of the Lamb.  Thank you that we have been clothed and what you caused us to see in ourselves, you know no longer see.  You see us as the righteousness of God in Christ.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Knowing God - There Is No One Like Our God

Ex 8:10
And he said, To morrow. And he said, Be it according to thy word: that thou mayest know that there is none like unto the Lord our God.

There is None Like Unto the Lord Our God

Moses is answering Pharaoh in this verse and letting Pharaoh know that God will lift the plague of the frogs off according to Pharaoh’s words for a reason.  The reason is that Pharaoh would know that there is none like unto the Lord, the Israelites’ God.  Pharaoh was most certainly an unbeliever.  He refused to let God’s people go and worship God and was arrogant, high-minded and stubborn.  Pharaoh had a prayer request and Moses and Aaron prayed on his behalf.  The answered prayer was intended to reveal God to Pharaoh.  God will answer the prayers of the unbeliever in order to reveal Himself to them.  We can ask those we love who have yet to surrender to Christ for their prayer requests and intercede for them praying that the Lord will use the answer to make them know that there is none like unto the Lord our God.  God uses answered to prayer to make his self known.  Let’s intercede on behalf of those who are in trouble even because of their own stubbornness, praying that the Lord will use those answered prayers to make His presence known.

Proverbs - Don't Hearken to Lies

Proverbs 29:12

If a ruler hearken to lies, all his servants are wicked.

Raising children can be quite the challenge.  We must not hearken to lies from without or lies from within.  When a child gives us his take, we must be sensitive to searching out a matter.  If we make a decision upon lies we will propagate an attitude of deception to gain a desired outcome.  Also, if we are listening to the lies of the enemy we will produce the wrong kind of fruit in our homes.  We might hear the whispers of the liar but we don’t have to hearken to them.  We can look at them, refute them with truth and proceed to rule by God’s truth and the freedom the Holy Spirit brings.  Do not hearken unto lies. Rule your household by hearkening to Your Master’s voice – the voice of truth!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Knowing God - God Does NOT Answer to US

Job 33:13
 Why dost thou strive against him?
for he giveth not account of any of his matters.

God Does Not Answer to Us

The word ‘strive’ here means ‘contend’.  We are being questioned as to why we argue with God about His actions and think He has to give us an answer that satisfies our criteria.  God does not give an account of any of his matters to anyone.  God is God and God does all things well.  He is over all and He created all and He is the wise God who is holy and righteous in all of His ways.  When we lack understanding about God and His ways we had best move with caution and not approach Him with contention or demands.  He is a good God and we can approach Him with humble questions or bring our confusion about what He is doing before Him as long as we understand that He IS doing things right whether we understand or not.  We must approach our God with great reverence and seek answers with hearts that desire to know Him and NEVER to rebuke or correct Him.  He does not give account of any of His matters.

Proverbs - Timing with the Tongue

Proverbs 29:11

A fool uttereth all his mind: but a wise man keepeth it in till afterwards.

When we spill out all of what we think we are foolish women.  As foolish women we will tear down our homes.  There is a time and season for every purpose under heaven.  We don’t have to speak our minds; we can keep it in until the right time presents itself.  Sometimes we have good ideas and valid concerns but spoken at the wrong timing may actually bring about destruction and harm.  When our teenagers begin to speak to us we may have all kinds of things to say but we would be wise to keep it in until afterwards - afterwards when the emotions die down, afterwards when we have more information and afterwards when we have had time to test things against God’s Word.