Friday, May 29, 2015

Knowing God - Fragile, Handle With Care

Ps 39:4

 Lord, make me to know mine end, and the measure of my days, what it is; that I may know how frail I am.
Fragile – Handle With Care

The Lord is able to make us see things about ourselves.  He is a judge who judges accurately.  He is able to remind us how short our lives really are.  He can show us how vulnerable we are and how much we need His protection, promises and power.  He can show us the potential of our fallen nature left unguarded and uninstructed.  He can remind us of the lives we used to live apart from Him and His restraining power.  We need Him to do this.  If we don’t know a box contains fragile items we will treat it in a careless manner often resulting in damage and loss.  I know, as a cancer survivor, I realized JUST how absolutely helpless I was to this invading force ready to eat as much healthy tissue as it could get.  I realized that I truly was dust with HIS breath breathed upon it and my days are not promised to me.  We need Him to remind us how fragile we are apart from His help and strength.  This will keep us in a place of abiding in Him, depending on Him and hiding in Him; sensing our citizenship is truly in heaven and here we have NO continuing city.  We are fragile and He can remind us of that avoiding unnecessary loss and damage.

Proverbs - Being a Merciful Person

Proverbs 11:17

The merciful man doeth good to his own soul:
but he that is cruel troubleth his own flesh.

                    The next quality the Lord deals with in this chapter is mercy.  We looked at grace - the desire to see people become all they can be regardless of current performance.  Mercy is being able to see what someone really deserves and intentionally extending forgiveness and an opportunity to try again and again in the same arena.  Mercy says, “I forgive you....let’s start over”.  Grace says, “Not only do I forgive you but I believe you can do it right the next time.”

                    If we do not deal with others or ourselves with mercy, the scriptures teach us that our very flesh will be troubled.  When we hold on to past sins others have committed against us or we ourselves have committed, without giving or receiving forgiveness, we will have physical troubles as a direct result.  Do you have a high-strung personality?  Do you sense the tension in your neck, shoulders or jaw?  Is your stomach easily troubled or headaches plague you?  Sometimes these ailments are brought on because you lack mercy.  You have replayed things over and over again until you relive the pain many times over experiencing the wounds deeper and deeper although they were inflicted only once.  Dear sister, do you not know that your lack of mercy is in direct conflict with the One who now resides within you?  Do you not know that you are cooperating with your adversary and are aiding him in your destruction?  Sister!  Right now, bring that offense before the cross.  Let the mercy of the blood of Christ be applied to that offense.  It is more powerful than the offense itself!  Cry out for forgiveness for your hardened heart and allow the Spirit of God to make your heart of stone back into that tender heart of flesh you once had.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Knowing God - His Voice is Stronger than Flames

Ps 29:7

 The voice of the Lord divideth the flames of fire.

Trials are likened to fire in the scriptures.  When we face difficult times it is often difficult to navigate through those details.  The Lord’s voice will divide the flames of fire.  If we position ourselves to hear from the Lord, take heed to what we have heard and use these things to navigate, we can make it through the most difficult and heated times.  His voice is mightier than the most intimidating flame.  We must listen and then use His voice to divide those things that seem to be standing in the way of the direction He has called us to.  Do you have a scripture or prophecy that has been delivered to you?  Use it and watch the flames move out of the way as you continue to walk in those things He has for you.

Proverbs - Grace Brings Honor

Proverbs 11:16

 A gracious woman retaineth honour: and strong men retain riches.

                    A gracious woman.  What does that mean?  The word gracious can conjure up all sorts of images.  One could think of a 1950's homemaker dressed in her pumps and starched dress entertaining her husband’s business associates.  This is not what this word gracious means.  A woman who is gracious is full of grace. This woman who will retain her honor will be one who understands and walks in grace.  Do you understand grace?  Are you growing in the knowledge of his grace?

                    The opposite of grace is ‘earned favor’ - showing kindness and demonstrating affection based upon someone’s performance.  If we are to be women of grace we treat people based upon unconditional love and not what they do or not do to us or those around us.  In Galatians we read, Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace.” (Gal 5::4) If we try to justify our relationships with the law, especially ‘our’ law we will cease from being gracious women.  We need to deal with people with grace.

                    So many times we remind our children to honor us as their mothers.  This verse tells us that our children will see us as women who deserve their honor as we deal with them with grace.  This doesn’t mean we don’t give them consequences and train them in the way they should go, rather it means that we are rooting for them when we discipline them desiring their success.  Grace extends opportunities for improvement, repentance and victory.  Grace causes us not to punish our children because of how their actions affect us, but rather to deal with them in a way that is believing all things, hoping all things and enduring all things. 

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Knowing God - He Desires You

Song 7:10

 I am my beloved's, and his desire is toward me.

Those of us who have responded to the proposal our God has given to receive the Lord Jesus and be saved, now belong to Him.  He has purchased us with His blood and is fully committed to us. His desire is towards us.  He waits so patiently for us to come into His presence and enjoy fellowship with Him.  The intimacy we all long for is truly only found with Him.  The sense of belonging is fully met in being His beloved.  Have you considered the fact that His desire is toward you?  He doesn’t just forgive and have mercy on you and me but actually desires us!  You are wanted.  You are sought after.  Allow the truth of this to penetrate your identity and make you the woman who is at rest in His love.  Stop putting demands on others.  Enjoy His grace, favor and desire towards you.  Walk in this great truth today and watch how kind you will be towards others.  His great love will meet every need within you, allowing you to focus on enjoying and loving others because you are satisfied with His love.

Proverbs - Co-signing

Proverbs 11:15

 He that is surety for a stranger shall smart for it:
 and he that hateth suretiship is sure.

                    Surety in the bible is kind of like co-signing or being the collateral for another person.  We must be very cautious about this.  When we lend to anyone the bible says to lend without expecting repayment.  This means that if we commit to lend someone money we must be willing to not get paid.  We should not lend if we are not willing to take a loss.  If we commit ourselves as collateral for someone we have to be willing to cover if they fail to pay.  The best bet is not to cosign according to this verse so that others’ financial decisions will not have to interfere with relationships and trust.  You have the right to say no to this and save a relationship.  If you pray and sense you are to come alongside someone in this manner, be willing to take the loss of the money and keep the friendship if, indeed, they fail to pay.  Use wisdom.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Knowing God - He Gives That Which is Good

Ps 85:12

 Yea, the Lord shall give that which is good;
 and our land shall yield her increase.

The Lord will give that which is good.  Ask Him for what you desire.  Trust Him to give you that which is good.  Ask Him for all the good things He has in His heart to give you.  He loves you.  He wants us to believe in His goodness and generosity.  We honor Him when we believe in His goodness.  We need not just believe that He is able to give us good things but that He SHALL give that which is good.  Come before Him today and thank Him for His generosity and His willingness to bless you.  Yes, the Lord shall give that which is good!

Proverbs - Counselors NOT Voices

Proverbs 11:14

 Where no counsel is, the people fall:
but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety.

                    When we need advice and we are truly seeking to please the Lord, a multitude of counselors is a safe way to go.  We should ask different people from different spheres of influence concerning a matter.  We are often very biased in our own understanding and an honest look from different viewpoints will help us walk in advice that is safe for our lives.

                   The key here is that they would be considered counselors in our lives.  The Word does not tell us “In the multitude of voices there is safety”.  We must consider who we pour out our heart to.  If they are someone God has put in authority or influence over our lives, they may be one of those counselors.  If we find ourselves seeing someone as a mentor or whose lives we desire to pattern ours after, they may be one of those counselors.

                   Another thing to remember when someone is seeking our counsel, is to ask them what sort of advice have others given them.  Often this can help us help them listen for the Lord’s voice.  It can also bring to us angles of the situation we might not be aware of or even give us insight into the person who is seeking counsel.

                   Safety is valuable.  It is the sense that we are not going to be injured suddenly and unaware.  Consider your counselors.  Consider your counsel.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Knowing God - He Judges the Earth

Ps 58:11

 So that a man shall say, Verily there is a reward for the righteous: verily he is a God that judgeth in the earth.

Most of us are well aware that God will judge in the heavens.  We consider the Great White Throne Judgment as well as the Bema Seat where our God has every right to judge those outside of Christ and those in Him.  He will judge those who stand in their own righteousness and unfit to enter into His kingdom and those who are clothed in Christ’s righteousness, judgment will be given based on faithfulness resulting in placement within His kingdom.  This verse reminds us that our God not only will judge then, but currently judges here, on this earth.  This means that His law is in place and He will uphold His law and deal with those who disregard or refuse to obey.  God is not mocked.  When any of us, believer or non-believer acts in contrast to His law, judgment will be experienced in one way or another because He is the judge of the earth.  We may escape an eternal judgment.  We may experience His mercy within that judgment here, but He is actively involved in the matters of our day to day lives here on this earth.  If you believe you have been wronged, the Lord will judge.  You forgive.  Let Him do the legal end of things.  If you have done wrong, apologize to the person and approach the judge, knowing He judges righteously and with mercy!

Proverbs - Our Mouths and Minds

Proverbs 11:12-13

 He that is void of wisdom despiseth his neighbour:
but a man of understanding holdeth his peace.
 A talebearer revealeth secrets:
 but he that is of a faithful spirit concealeth the matter.

                    In order to be a wise woman we must not figure one another out and speak criticism of our neighbor.  We must hold our peace and bring them before the Lord faithfully.  We will be a much more effective friend if we pray for our friends.  Do you consistently bring those closest to you before the Lord?  Might I encourage you to do so even now? Perhaps you could stop now and pray specifically for those you are closest to.

                    A talebearer is one who bears a tale - a story teller.  Ladies are often great with this.  We can tell someone in detail what occurred in a situation.  This can be great when we are telling of the wonderful acts the Lord has done in our or others’ lives.  The problem is we can tell stories about others and before we know it we are delivering ammunition for the enemy to use in another’s life.  We should want to be one who is known for having a faithful spirit.  When someone tells us something, let us hold it in and not share it with another.  This is not always easy but you will find yourself in a lot less conflict by not repeating a matter.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

He Decides What Is Sin

Rom 4:8

 Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin.

The word ‘impute’ means ‘to take inventory’.  The Lord is the One who searches our lives and hearts and weighs us.  He is the One who decides what sin is and what is not sin.  The Lord is able to look into lives and when He sees sin, He decides if that sin is on the books.  When we place our faith in Christ and what He did on that cross, we draw upon His resources to cover the debt we have incurred before the Lord.  When the Lord sees our sin, He can also see the other ‘column’.  The column that declares that debt ‘paid in full’.  Our sin is still just as ugly and just as deserving of judgment as any person’s sin, but in Christ, judgment and payment was given and made available to all who would believe on the Lord Jesus and be saved.  When dealing with our God, it would be wise for us, who are covered by Jesus’ obedience, to consider what a blessing it is to not have our sins imputed to us.  It would be great also to consider others who have not had this experience yet.  Lord, thank You that we are blessed indeed to be considered cleansed and forgiven!  

Proverbs - Cities Exalted

Proverbs 11:10-11

When it goeth well with the righteous, the city rejoiceth:
and when the wicked perish, there is shouting.
 By the blessing of the upright the city is exalted:
 but it is overthrown by the mouth of the wicked.

                    We, as women, have a little city we impact, especially if we are moms and wives.  We uphold the law of our land and have the privilege of establishing the ‘city’ in righteousness.  We must exalt that which is righteous and cause that which is wicked to perish and not have a voice in our home.  Our homes will rejoice, shout and be blessed as we filter out those attitudes, entertainment choices and lifestyles that the Lord deems as wicked.  Oh Lord, help us affirm those things you value and disregard the lures of temporal pleasures that conflict with Your plans for our homes.  Give us wisdom in supporting our children and husbands when they seek first Your kingdom and Your righteousness.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Knowing God - He Knows EVERYTHING

Eccl 11:5

 As thou knowest not what is the way of the spirit, nor how the bones do grow in the womb of her that is with child: even so thou knowest not the works of God who maketh all.

God makes all.  He is a Creator.  He is the Creator.  He created all we see and He has created all we cannot see.  He has made the microscopic particles that make up an individual cell.  He has made the mighty Mount Everest men long to conquer.  He has made black and white skunks and He has made tiny fleas.  He has made cotton plants that allow us to have clothing.  He has made chemical truths that allow us to have plastic and synthetic materials.  He has created hormones and veins.  He has made the sun.  He has made ALL of the stars.  He has made the toenail on your baby toe and every single hair follicle in your nostrils.  This is the God we serve.  Do you not believe that the God, who has these incredible creative abilities, does not know what He is doing in creating the things in your life?  Our high-mindedness often results in unnecessary doubts and fears.  When we realize that God made everything, we realize WE don’t know EVERYTHING, leaving us to a place where we must live by trusting the God who does.  

Proverbs - Hypocrisy Will Destroy

Proverbs 11:9

  An hypocrite with his mouth destroyeth his neighbour:
but through knowledge shall the just be delivered.

                    Our mouths can really be used to destroy someone.  In this verse we are warned about hypocrisy.  Hypocrisy is saying or doing something that is not an accurate representation of a situation or self.  When we say or do what we think others want us to say or do, or…..say or do what makes us look a certain way to the other, we are guilty of operating within hypocrisy.  Sometimes we think that it isn’t very harmful but the Lord is warning us that this will destroy the persons around you. 

                    If you pick up the phone with a sister at church, greet her with such warmth and kindness, pray for her and hang up on a cheerful note and then turn around and snap at our children, never praying for them and not having time for their burdens and cares, you are this hypocrite.  You are destroying your children.

                    How do you speak to your husband and children?  Are you genuine in your concern for all because you are genuine and not a hypocrite?  Allow the Holy Spirit to prick your conscience when inconsistency arises so that you will be a wise woman building her home and not tearing it down with your own hands.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Knowing God - He is Acting on Your Behalf

Ps 57:2

 I will cry unto…God that performeth all things for me.

God performs all things for us.  He is a God who cares about you. He wants us to cry out to Him and He wants to answer our prayers.  He is a kind and good God who will act on our behalf.  He loves us and is actively involved in the lives of His people – His individual people.  This is quite the concept.  If we really begin to grasp the personal involvement of God in our lives, we would walk so securely in His love.  God is acting on your behalf.  God is acting on my behalf.  We can thank the Lord for His involvement in our lives and enjoy the truth that He performs all things for us.  What a wonderful God we have! Have you sensed that God is involved and wants to be involved in all things in your life?  Approach your day today thanking and praising Him that He is a God who performs all things for you

Proverbs - Righteousness or Wickedness?

Proverbs 11:5-8

The righteousness of the perfect shall direct his way:
but the wicked shall fall by his own wickedness.
The righteousness of the upright shall deliver them:
but transgressors shall be taken in their own naughtiness.
When a wicked man dieth, his expectation shall perish:
and the hope of unjust men perisheth.
The righteous is delivered out of trouble, and the wicked cometh in his stead.
Righteousness and wickedness.  Two opposing character traits.  When making those choices we must ask if our choices are righteous.  That means...are they right in the eyes of the Righteous One?  Let’s contrast the two and what happens when we make decisions based on righteous or wicked principles.

shame (11:2)
destruction (11:3)
falling (11:5)
taken (11:6)
disappointment (11:7)
 trouble (11:8)
wisdom (11:2)
guidance (11:3)
deliverance (11:4,6,8)
direction (11:5)

Monday, May 18, 2015

Knowing God - He is the MOST High

Ps 57:2

 I will cry unto God most high;…

God is the One who is most high.   There is no one higher.  He is higher than all other authority.  We need to cry out to the One who is the most high.  There are things that come down in our lives from those who are high and they affect our lives.  We need to cry out to God knowing that He is over all.  All things were made by Him and for Him.  He can see everything from being the most high.  He can move authority as He desires, because of being the most high.  He has access to all provisions because He is the most high.  He has all strength to give us, because He is the most high.  What do you need?  Cry out unto God, the Most High!

Proverbs - Riches Are Not Our Savior

Proverbs 11:4

 Riches profit not in the day of wrath: but righteousness delivereth from death.

                    Many people in this world weigh a choice as to how much it will profit them financially, disregarding the element of questioning its impact on things like; family, their relationship with Christ, priorities and the like.  We must never, as believers, allow such a guideline to be that which orders our steps. Whenever I go to a funeral I never hear such eulogies concerning the person’s possessions but their character, family and faith in God.  Riches do not profit in the end so why let them rule while we’re living?  Do you need that extra money, or does your child need your time?  Do you need to purchase that high maintenance item or do you need a more disciplined prayer life?  Does your husband need to get a second job, or does he need more time enjoying his children?  Ask Your Lord.  He will tell you.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Knowing God - He Makes Us Understand

Dan 8:16

 And I heard a man's voice between the banks of Ulai, which called, and said, Gabriel, make this man to understand the vision.

Daniel had a vision and then sought the meaning of the vision.  The Lord sent Gabriel to make Daniel understand the vision.  This means that the Lord hears when we seek to understand a vision.  This verse also reveals that the Lord sends angels to help us understand visions.  The neat thing about the Lord is that He wants us to understand.  Proverbs 14:6b tells us; “…knowledge is easy unto him that understandeth.”  When we understand something it becomes knowledge we can use and share with others.  Our God wants us to not just be able to repeat what He says to us but be in a place where we understand and know it.  He will send His angel, His Holy Spirit, His teachers, His messengers, make us to understand.  Don’t be frustrated if you don’t understand, anticipate understanding being given to you.

Proverbs - Right Choices Guide our Feet

Proverbs 11:3

 The integrity of the upright shall guide them:
but the perverseness of transgressors shall destroy them.

                    Choosing paths that please the Lord, results in sure-footedness that allows the traveler to enjoy the sights along the way. Life’s choices must be those guided by integrity so that we can enjoy the journey without looking upon that which might trip us.  Allow a sensitive conscience to be guided by the Holy Spirit and His pure leading.  Make choices that, although no one else will see, will please the Lord and be those full of integrity.  Someone else may look like they have gained a lot of ground on their path with some twisted and dishonest action but the Lord says that the very thing they used to try to get ahead, will destroy them in the end.  Be sensitive to the Lord ordering your steps and don’t compare your path with another’s.  When you and I take a step guided with integrity we will be more confident in the step after that.  When we take steps that are twisted or out of God’s standard of upright, you and I will find ourselves having to step over and around clutter that could very well impede our path and create injury.  Let integrity guide you today no matter what anyone else is doing.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Knowing God - He Speaks Through People

2 Sam 23:2

 The Spirit of the Lord spake by me, and his word was in my tongue.

This was part of the last things that David wrote before he died.  He proclaimed that the Spirit of the Lord spoke through him and that the Lord’s word was on his tongue.  God spoke through David.  He spoke through David in the book of Psalms.  Most of these psalms were penned by David.  As David began to commune with the Lord in song, the Lord spoke through him and we have wonderful truths as a result of having this great book.  The Holy Spirit spoke through David and David knew it.  The Lord may be done moving through men of old to write down the scriptures as we know it, but He is not done with speaking through His people today.  Oh that the Spirit of the Lord would speak through us and that His Word would be on our tongues.  We, like David, could enjoy knowing we have been used by Him to speak to others.  He is the same yesterday, today and forever. 

Proverbs - Shame Accompanies Pride

Proverbs 11:2

 When pride cometh, then cometh shame: but with the lowly is wisdom.

                    When we are operating with ‘self’ on the throne, we are bound to say or do something foolish - something that will cause us shame.  Lowliness is best exemplified by our Lord Jesus Christ.  He laid aside His deserved position to become a man and pay a debt He didn’t owe to open the way for us to know Him.  The quietness of a soul yielded only to His approval hears HIS voice and hears HIS wisdom.  In the haughtiness of our own understanding we are bound to come to shame but in the lowly place of one who seeks guidance, we find one whose steps are sure and ordered. When we humble ourselves we are admitting that we don’t know EXACTLY what to do or how to respond.  This will prevent us from acting hastily and making choices that will bring us shame.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Knowing God - He SEES That Things Are Good

Gen 1:4

 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.

After God made the light, he looked at it.  Then He took in the fact that the light was good.  Our Creator took the time to enjoy and behold what He had made.  Our God is not just about checking off completed tasks, but taking in the beauty and wisdom of all He does.  Do we stop and behold the things that He has created?  How about light?  Have you ever stopped and just noticed that everything around you is lit up by this fireball in the sky?  No one is paying the electric bill on this and the light is just perfect for our lives.  Our God makes good things and stops to enjoy their goodness.  Let’s take some time today and see things that He has made and enjoy their goodness as well.  This will make us more like Him!

Proverbs - Let's Adjust Our Scales

Proverbs 11:1

          A false balance is abomination to the LORD: but a just weight is his delight.

                    A balance here is that which weighs something.  Sometimes in the marketplaces of old, a scale might be upon the seller’s table.  Perhaps the amount of grain to be purchased was placed there and an appropriate price would be given per pound.  Sometimes a dishonest seller would unjustly weigh down the scale so as to charge his customer more than what the buyer actually purchased.  Here we see that a false balance is an abomination to the Lord.

                    Ladies, we could very well be doing this in our own lives.  How do we weigh those matters that affect us?  Does a little word spoken to you become a larger burden than it actually is?  Do you measure the events of your life by a scale falsely balanced by this world’s ideas of what is valuable and what is not?  If we have a just way of weighing things we find in this verse that is delightful to the Lord.  We must come before Him in prayer and before His Word to measure those things that affect us.  We mustn’t let the enemy, that deceiver, put false weights where things are not that heavy.  We mustn’t let our own biases and perspectives give us the wrong measurement in assessing situations, relationships and events in our lives.

                    The next time you are facing something and attempting to determine its impact on you, remember this verse.  Ask the Lord to help you weigh it justly and to remove from you any false balances in your life.  When you go to a gas station you will see a sticker on the pump assuring its integrity by a governmental agency that checks scales and measuring devices.  You only want to pay for that which you put in and you appreciate the integrity of an honest scale.   We don’t need to be weighed down by things that are judged by a dishonest scale.  Let us be sure to always come before His inspection so as to maintain an honest way of weighing matters.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Knowing God - He Does All These Things

Isa 45:7

 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.

The Lord is speaking to His people through the prophet Isaiah.  He is reminding them of who He is that they might take His commands and boundaries a bit more seriously.  We do not have the option to ignore God’s Words and expect to experience life in the manner in which He designed it.  The Lord formed light.  The Lord creates darkness.  The Lord makes peace.  The Lord creates situations that we don’t like.  The Lord does these things.  He is Lord.  He is Creator.  He is wisdom.  He is judge.  He is Savior.  He is the One we answer to.  In a day and age where personal opinion is touted as the ultimate guide to our lives, we had best take note of who our God is and the position He deserves as final authority in all matters.  Who is like our God?  He deserves our appropriate submission, honor and respect.  Perhaps it would do us well to sit in His presence for a few minutes and take in what He is saying here.  Perhaps if we started our day with a bit more awe, we might choose our paths more carefully.

Proverbs - Our Mouths

Proverbs 10:31-32

 The mouth of the just bringeth forth wisdom:
 but the froward tongue shall be cut out.
The lips of the righteous know what is acceptable:
but the mouth of the wicked speaketh frowardness.

                    Time and time again we are exhorted by the wisdom of God about our tongue and speech.  We so need it ladies.  We have to talk every day and every day there is the opportunity for our tongues to bring forth wisdom and life or destruction and foolishness.  We must not have a froward tongue.  A froward tongue is a deceitful tongue.  Saying those things we think others want to hear, saying those things that we want others to hear, saying things in a way that doesn’t clearly represent truth for whatever reason.  Sisters, let us yield our tongue as an instrument of righteousness today so that we will bring forth wisdom and that which is acceptable.  Let us yield our tongues to the control of the Holy Spirit that we might be source of His solutions to those around us.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Christ is God

Phil 4:13

I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

When a believer reads this verse, they usually focus on the part of being able to do all things.  Here we will focus on what we learn about Jesus Christ in this verse.  We are told, by Paul, that Jesus gives him strength when he faces things he needs to do.  This shows that Jesus was not just a prophet or eloquent orator who died to be a good example.  This verse proves the resurrection of Christ and His ability to be with every believer imputing to them strength that they need.  Christ strengthens the individual.  He is not just concerned with His church as a whole, but comes individually to each member of the body ready to give them strength that He has to give.  Jesus is real.  Jesus is alive.  Jesus has strength to give.  Jesus is God!

Proverbs - Build With Righteousness

Proverbs 10:30

The righteous shall never be removed:
but the wicked shall not inhabit the earth.

          The righteous standards the Lord gives us for our lives and homes, builds in a stability that we may not even recognize is there at first. Don’t worry.  Keep building with every bit of counsel and wisdom you receive from the Lord.  Your marriage, family and life will endure beyond the fleeting passions and fancies that may try to court you away from enduring love and constant character.  Every time we look to the blueprints of God’s Word and build according to code, we are those wise women and our homes are being constructed to withstand the evil day that most likely will visit in due time.  Don’t grow weary in well doing sisters.  Don’t be impatient to throw your lives together with substandard materials.  Have the patience of the master builder.  Look to Him each day for that which He would accomplish in you and through you.  You will not be moved.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Knowing God - He Wants to Be Our Arm EVERY Morning

Isa 33:2

 O Lord, be gracious unto us; we have waited for thee: be thou their arm every morning, our salvation also in the time of trouble.

The Lord wants to be our arm every morning.  The phrase ‘the arm of the Lord’ speaks of God’s strength.  It is often in the morning that we awaken and consider the problems and responsibilities we currently have.  It is in the morning that we can realize that the Lord wants to be our arm, our strength.  The arm of the Lord also represents His authority and final say so in matters.  “The Lord hath sworn by his right hand, and by the arm of his strength..” (Isaiah 62:8) In the morning we can come to our God and thank Him for being our arm every morning – the strength of our lives.  “….thou hast guided them in thy strength unto thy holy habitation.” (Exodus 15:13) 

Oh Lord guide our days, starting in the morning with your mighty arm and strength.  Be our arm O Lord.

Proverbs - His Way is Strength

Proverbs 10:29

 The way of the LORD is strength to the upright:
 but destruction shall be to the workers of iniquity.

                    Sometimes we think the way of the Lord is hard and results in depletion of our strength.  This verse says “Not so”.  When we choose to do things the way the Lord has said it will result in strength.  Whenever a body builder wants to work out to build muscles strength, they need resistance to build muscle tissue cells.  Ladies, as we go against the natural choices we would make apart from the Lord’s guidance, we will face resistance initially.  Don’t panic!  This is just there to build strength in your spirit.  Keep going that way and you will find it much easier to resist the next time.  Embrace the resistance as the Lord’s means for building you up in His strength.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Knowing God - He Loves Us Because We NEED His Love

                                                            Deut 7:7                                              

The Lord did not set his love upon you, nor choose you, because ye were more in number than any people;
for ye were the fewest of all people:

The Lord sets His love on us and chooses us not because we are more in number but BECAUSE we are the fewest of all people.  He loves us because we need His love.  He cares for us because we are vulnerable, weak and outnumbered by things in this life.  God’s love is what we need to overcome those things that outnumber us.  He knows that His love, set upon us, brings a strength and confidence that far exceeds any sort of obvious strength or might.  How wonderful that His love is not contingent upon the things He sees shining in us but, as a matter of fact, is contingent on our weaknesses and inabilities!  Thank You for Your love, set upon me.  Thank You for choosing me.  Thank You that I don’t have to impress you.  You impress me with Your love!

Proverbs - He Has a Plan

Proverbs 10:28

The hope of the righteous shall be gladness:
but the expectation of the wicked shall perish.

                    The hope of the righteous is a hope that is founded in the Lord.  We look to Him to move, comfort and provide.  Our eyes are fixed on Jesus and our expectation comes from Him.  When we hope in the Lord we are glad because we know that He has a plan and the best one for the situation.  We are not looking to others to perform or meet our expectations but, rather, we are hoping in the Lord and His ability to carry out deliverance in ways that have never entered our minds.  If we find ourselves in despair or depression, we might very well have put our hope in someone or something else.  This results in disappointment and must be remedied by transferring our hope back to the rock and under the shadow of His wings.

                    The expectation of the wicked is that which moves with strict codes and performance standards.  When our wicked nature is dictating what we expect from ourselves, the Lord or others, these expectations result in perishing hope and a wasteland of bitterness, disappointments and faint-heartedness.  Sister!  We must have our hope built in the consistent, faithful character of our God!  People will inevitably fall short of the glory of God.  The Lord says so in Romans 3:23.  Our expectations are so short-sighted and lack mercy and grace.  Hope is that which can look beyond performance to the One who works all things after the counsel of His will.  Won’t you repent of any expectations you have put on another today and rather enjoy those relationships you’ve been privileged to build?   Won’t you come before the Lord today with a 

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Knowing God - He Will Plead Our Cause

Ps 35:1

 Plead my cause, O Lord, with them that strive with me: fight against them that fight against me.

When people strive against us they usually have arguments, reasoning and accusations.  The Lord will plead our cause so we won’t be tempted to defend ourselves in our own strength.  He will plead our cause with people if we would just get out of the way.  When people fight against us, the Lord will fight for us.  We are not to take it on ourselves to defend, fight for or argue for ourselves.  The Lord is the Word.  He is the best defense attorney we could ever ask for.  He is the truth and He is love.  His banner over us is love.  He will help us and we can focus on forgiving, loving and, yes, enjoying those who come against us.  Even when someone doesn’t like us we can still focus on what we like about them.  If we back off and let the Lord take on the conflict we can focus on loving God and loving them.  This will fulfill the law and the prophets.

Proverbs - The Fear of the Lord Prolongs Our Lives

Proverbs 10:27

 The fear of the LORD prolongeth days:
 but the years of the wicked shall be shortened.

When we are more concerned about what God’s desires are for us than anyone else’s we are walking in the fear of the Lord.  The Lord tells us in this verse that when we are mastered by a concern to please the Lord only we will have prolonged days.  One angle of this promise is that the stresses and wear and tear of being controlled by the expectations of others or ourselves won’t be there wearing at our health and causing us to be on edge resulting in medical conditions brought on by such anxieties.

                    Another side of the fear of the Lord prolonging our days is that we won’t be making dangerous choices that have the potential for ending our lives early.  We won’t be in sexually promiscuous relationships that carry the threat of disease.  We won’t be taking in alcohol to the injury of our liver.  We won’t be controlled by food, starvation or gluttony, that could wreak havoc on our systems and torment the balance of our body.

                   If we want our days prolonged and not shortened, we need to seek to please the Lord in all we do and avoid being motivated by any other predominant relationship in our lives.