Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Knowing God - The Lord's Word is Final

Psalm 33:9
For he spake, and it was done;
he commanded, and it stood fast.
                                                          The Lord’s Word is Final         

The Lord’s Word is final.  What He says – stands.  The Lord commands and things stand firm.  This ought to produce in us a great sense of excitement when discovering His truth in His Word.  Whatever the Lord says is true and we don’t need to doubt or dissect it in order to see it come to pass.  Our souls thirst for stability and truth.  This can be found in His promises and counsel.  If we need advice for any area of our lives, we can find it in His written Word.  We will build our homes with material that endures the winds, waves and storms of this life when our homes are built according to what the Lord says.  When you and I go to His Word, we are in a place to receive enduring truths that cause our lives to be stable and sturdy.

Proverbs - Have a Farmer's Mentality

Proverbs 31:28

Her children arise up, and call her blessed;
her husband also, and he praiseth her.
Have a Farmer’s Mentality

This is a statement about this woman after her children have grown.  This reminds us that our children may buck against some things now but they will bless us later.  We must not despair for the reactions of our youth, but seek to bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.  They will thank us later.   Our husband will eventually notice the day to day things we do and he will praise us later.  Let us work unto the Lord and not look for the immediate fruit.  Let us trust that we are growing our family and the harvest will come.  Do not grow weary in well doing for in due season you will reap, if you do not give up.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Knowing God - The Lord is Worthy of Awe

Psalm 33:8
Let all the earth fear the LORD:
 let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him.
The Lord is someone to Awe

Our God is worthy to be someone we stand in awe of.  He is powerful.  He is the Creator.  He is the judge of all the earth.  He holds the key to eternal life and He alone is pure and holy in all He does.  As we approach the day, it would be wise for us to pause and consider the position and power of our God.  As we do we should not only be in a place of awe that leads to a healthy relationship of deserved obedience but a place of safety knowing this God is our Father and the One who purchased us by the blood of Jesus Christ.  Fear the Lord.  Stand in awe of Him.  Begin to speak of His character and worship Him in truth.  You and I will find ourselves in a sober state of mind as we exalt the Lord and worship at His feet.

Proverbs - Looking Well to Our Household

Proverbs 31:27

She looketh well to the ways of her household,
 and eateth not the bread of idleness.

We are told that we are to look well to the ways of our household.  We are not to casually glance but look well.  How are the children doing in school?  Is anyone unusually moody or agitated?  What needs repair or maintenance?  Is my husband’s sexual needs/desires being met?  Is there milk in the refrigerator?  Are there any relationships in my home that need cultivating?  Have we been too serious lately?  Have we been too carefree lately?  The best way to look is to watch in prayer.  As we bring our household before the Lord He will illuminate those things to which He would have us address.  We must not be idle women just existing from day to day, but rather diligent women who know that our homes are under construction and we are on site to do just that.  Every wise woman builds her house.

Monday, December 29, 2014

Knowing God - The Sea is In His Hands

Psalm 33:7
He gathereth the waters of the sea together as an heap:
he layeth up the depth in storehouses.
The Sea is a Drop in the Bucket to the Lord

The Lord is in charge of all the oceans.  He controls their boundaries and gives the waters the right amount of space to fill and support the life within it.  This helps us to know that the Lord is in charge of the different waves of life that come our way.  He will tell them they can only go so far and He is much bigger than the deepest times of tragedy and darkness.  If our God is able to take all of the waters of all of the seas and gather them together the way we pick up around the house, how could we not begin to trust our God with the most intimidating of circumstances?  He controls the oceans.  He is over those things that seem too deep and big for us.

Proverbs - Wisdom and Kindness

Proverbs 31:26

She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness.
Wisdom and Kindness

Two rules are given for our mouths – wisdom and kindness.  Our mouths should not pour forth the foolishness of anger and contentions.  Our mouths should not be quick to give advice based on emotions and human loyalty.  Our mouths should speak forth the counsel of God and having exposed ourselves to the Word of God on a regular basis it should be so.  Kindness should be the rule for EVERYTHING we say.  We should not only use the culturally acceptable polite words but use words that are soft and not so harsh.  Please and thank you should come out often and we should word things in such a way that does not intentionally provoke or tear down.  The Lord wants His gals to be wise and kind.  Oh Lord that we would open our mouths with wisdom and that kindness would the law by which we speak!

Friday, December 26, 2014

Knowing God - The Lord's Words Create

Psalm 33:6
By the word of the LORD were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth.
The Lord’s Words Create

The Word of the Lord creates.  His breath fills all He makes.  When we expose ourselves to the Word of the Lord, we will find new things created within us.  Where maybe we were once lazy and slothful, we may find a brand new zest for labor.  Where we were once weary and discouraged, we may find a resolve and fortitude that wasn't there before.  Where we were once annoyed or bothered by someone, we may find ourselves affectionate and fond of them.  The Word of the Lord has creative qualities.  Reading the Word is not just a discipline designed to give us instruction but can actually create things within us that once were not there!   THAT is good news and should cause us to take in His Word with an even greater excitement and anticipation.

Proverbs - Strength and Honor

Proverbs 31:25

Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come.

Strength comes through faith and honor comes from humility.  These are the things that people should see in us.  When we wait upon the Lord, trusting Him to be working, we are strengthened and do not have to control.  When we humble ourselves and seek to discover His plan for our lives, we are not so anxious and contentious.  We can actually rejoice and look forward to the future.  Waiting on the Lord involves praying.  Humbling ourselves before the Lord involves praying.  Are you praying?  Are you bringing up the future before the great I AM?  If you and I do this we will become strong, honored and look forward for the things to come. 

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Knowing God - The Lord's Goodness Fills the Earth

Psalm 33:5b
…the earth is full of the goodness of the LORD.
The Lord’s Goodness Fills the Earth

The devourer is active and destroying so many lives and things on this earth.  We can begin to focus on this and end up missing out on the fact that the earth is full of the goodness of the Lord.  Do you believe this?  Well….let’s hide this scripture in our hearts today and trust that it will illuminate His goodness throughout our day that we might otherwise miss out on.  Look around and behold His goodness.  Don’t let the enemy blind you to His goodness, power and magnificence!  Open your eyes and behold how good our God is.  I trust that today we will see things we would not have seen as we expect to see His goodness.  Then we will be greatly encouraged that our God, yes, our God, is good and over all!

Proverbs - Making Money

Proverbs 31:24

She maketh fine linen, and selleth it; and delivereth girdles unto the merchant.

Here we see the virtuous woman making money for the family.  There is nothing wrong with contributing to the income.  Sometimes the 1950’s suburban family becomes the model by which Christian families establish roles.  We can contribute to the family income as we stay submitted to our husband’s leading and know that our primary responsibilities are to love him, love our children and keep our home.  When a job opportunity presents itself to you, remember to make sure you are coming under your husband’s lead and that it will not over ride that which you know God would have you tend. 

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Knowing God - The Lord Loves These Two Things

Psalm 33:5a
He loveth righteousness and judgment:…
The Lord Loves These Two Things

When we love someone we want to give them things they love.  Maybe your husband loves homemade chocolate chip cookies.  My husband loves jello!  I try to make it to give him what he loves.  The Lord loves righteousness and judgment. When we determine to do things His way and evaluate things in the light of His standards, the Lord loves this.  We aren’t supposed to be primarily motivated to do the right things in order to have a blessed life for ourselves.  It should be our desire to honor and please Him.  If you find yourself struggling with a sin, seek to overcome it with His help, to give Him something He loves.  When the love of Christ constrains us, we will find resources and power not easily found in the self-effort of trying to do the right thing.

Proverbs - Respect Breeds Respect

Proverbs 31:23

Her husband is known in the gates,
when he sitteth among the elders of the land.

This husband has the mind to judge matters for the city.  He is respected and people come to him to make decisions.  The virtuous woman gives him the respect that is due his position.  When a man is respected and listened to at home, he gains the identity of one who is to be respected and listened to outside the home.  Ladies, when was the last time you asked your husband for his advice, took it and went back and affirmed him in it?  When was the last time you gave his advice to someone else and gave him credit for it?  If we want our husbands to grow in their ability to make good decisions, let us reverence them and follow their lead.  We are created to do them good.  We will contribute to their character as we listen to them and give them the respect God tells us to give them.  Then, they will be known by others as one who is to be respected. 

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Knowing God - God's Word is Right

Psalm 33:4
For the word of the LORD is right;
and all his works are done in truth.
God’s Word Is Right

Sometimes we are looking for something that is indisputably right.  Here we see that His Word is right.  When faced with confusion or changing standards, it would do us well to sit down and spend some time just reading through His Word.  When we are exposed to His Word, a sense of rightness can come upon us and our hearts will be settled in the midst of such shifting sands of cultural change and sinful choices.  His works are done in truth.  God never makes a judgment or sends help out of deceit or false intentions.  He works in truth and His ways are to be trusted.  Thank You Lord that ALL your works are done in truth.  We rest in this and trust that what You say and what You do is right and true.  This helps us wade through the perpetual confusion of this fallen world.

Proverbs - Man Looks on the Outward

Proverbs 31:22

She maketh herself coverings of tapestry; her clothing is silk and purple.
Man Looks On the Outward

A virtuous woman is attentive to her appearance.  She is resourceful and can put things together in such a way that she is not always having to buy the latest trends.  Here, she makes these clothes herself.  She does not rely on a better financial situation to look her best.  She can go to thrift stores, yard sales and really good sales.  She clothes herself in such a way that she presents herself as someone her husband loves to look at.  Taking care of your appearance is an act of love to your husband.  Man does look on the outward appearance and he likes to look at a pretty wife.  Seek the Lord in the morning.  Ask Him what you should wear.  He clothes the lilies of the field so beautifully don’t you think He can clothe you as well?  Acknowledge Him in this way.  He will direct your path.

Monday, December 22, 2014


I now have a radio teaching program on Sundays at 12:30 PM on KKLA 99.5 - You can listen on and if you go to the FB Page "The Bible in Real Life" there are follow up questions for your own personal devotional time for each study.

Knowing God - The Lord Owns Salvation

Psalm 3:8
Salvation belongeth unto the LORD:
thy blessing is upon thy people.
The Lord Owns Salvation

When we need to be saved in a situation, it is the Lord we must look to in those situations that seem overwhelming and where we feel trapped.  He is able to deliver and salvation belongs to the Lord.  He is waiting for us to lift up our voices and anticipate His salvation that He might receive the glory.  His name is Savior and He is true to His name.  His blessing is upon those of us who are His people.  We can face difficult times knowing He saves and His blessing is upon us.  Don’t allow the intimidation of circumstances to tell you that He has not blessed you – His blessing IS upon you and salvation belongs to the Lord.

Proverbs - Anticipate and Prepare

Proverbs 31:21

She is not afraid of the snow for her household:
for all her household are clothed with scarlet.
Anticipate and Prepare

This verse speaks of a woman who anticipates and prepares.  She knows the winter is coming and the snow might fall.  She prepares her family with the right things for the right conditions.  We need to check the refrigerator for lunch supplies, check our children’s clothing for the next season, notice if a camping trip is coming and keep the thermostat at a comfortable level for her household.  We should have some sort of planner or that contains dates and appointments.  We should look ahead and prepare.  We can pray over the next few months, laying our hands on our schedule asking the Lord to fill the days as he sees fit.  We can pray that we would be those women who prepare for what is coming ahead.  If you lack this ability ask the Lord to help you.  He loves to train us in His ways.  

Friday, December 19, 2014

Knowing God - The Lord Has Already Won

Psalm 3:7
Arise, O LORD; save me, O my God:
for thou hast smitten all mine enemies upon the cheek bone;
thou hast broken the teeth of the ungodly.
The Lord Has Already Won

The Lord moves from a position of victory.  At the cross, Jesus Christ conquered sin and its eternal consequences.  We can cry out now to the God who saves because He has paid the highest price for deliverance by giving Jesus Christ.  He that spared not His own Son but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not freely give us all things?  He has been faithful to help us in the past; He will be faithful to help us now.  He is the same yesterday, today and forever….

Proverbs - Letting Needs Stretch You

Proverbs 31:20

She stretcheth out her hand to the poor;
 yea, she reacheth forth her hands to the needy.
Letting Needs Stretch You

The kind of woman a young man should look for is one who reaches out to the needy.  She actually stretches and reaches forth to meet these needs.  It is not always the convenient deed that she involves herself with.  She gets involved and her hands are involved.  Whether she is cooking for them, writing that check, giving clothes or a listening ear, she goes towards the need.  In our culture, we are often so consumed with our own needs we turn a deaf ear to the dilemmas others face.  As God’s women we are designed to go towards assisting and ministering to those who are in need.  The next time you hear of a need ask your God how you might stretch out and reach forth in His name.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Knowing God - God Sustains Us As We Sleep

Psalm 3:5
I laid me down and slept;
I awaked; for the LORD sustained me.
God Sustains Us As We Sleep

As we sleep, our God sustains us.  He keeps our hearts beating, our respiratory system in check, our endocrine system in balance, our digestive system flowing etc. He gives our mind a chance to rest and sustains us as we rest and gain perspective for what awaits us as we awaken.  We can go to bed thanking Him for sustaining us as we sleep and we can get out of bed thanking Him that He sustained us as we slept.  Our God never slumbers or sleeps.  He is over us and the time that we are most vulnerable, while sleeping, He sustains us and holds us up.  He will do no less when we are awake.

Proverbs - Put Your Hands on that Machine

Proverbs 31:19

She layeth her hands to the spindle, and her hands hold the distaff.
Put Your Hands on that Machine

Here we have a gal who uses her hands to operate a machine that will provide clothing for her family.  We often have to put our hands to the steering wheel and drive our children to get the things they need.  Do we complain?  Shouldn’t we rather do this with a heart of wanting our children to sense God’s provisioning through us?  We also put our hands into the laundry and put it in the machine so that our family has fresh clean clothes.  Oh the Lord is good to give us such tools to clothe our children and provide them with coverings that smell so good, look fresh and help them present themselves in the best light in the midst of their peers.  Our hands are yielded to the Lord to be the one who gives our families that sense of covering and care.  Let us lay our hands upon those tools He gives with this kind of heart and love. Chores can become quite fulfilling this way.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Knowing God - The Lord Hears Our Voices

Psalm 3:4
I cried unto the LORD with my voice,
 and he heard me out of his holy hill. Selah.
The Lord Hears our Voices

The Lord hears us when we talk to Him.  Although He is holy and is above all He hears us.  When we pray He hears us from a place that is free from the confusion we might find ourselves in.  We can pray and trust that we are heard.  It is important to be a person who prays with a confidence that He hears us so that our prayers are prayers of faith.  Faith that doesn't just believe we have what we ask but that we are heard.  When we are heard we are less demanding on others.  The next time you pray, before you say ‘amen’, you might try thanking Him that He has just heard you and that you have a God who hears you out of His holy hill.

Proverbs - Pause and Perceive

Proverbs 31:18

She perceiveth that her merchandise is good: her candle goeth not out by night.
Pause and Perceive

When we read about the Lord creating all we enjoy, we see a pattern.  He stops at the end of the day and beholds that what He did was good.  Ladies, do you ever stop and behold what you have done and its goodness?  So often we run to the next task forgetting the sense of accomplishment in what we have just completed.  We rush to clean the next room, not stopping to take in the order we just brought to the previous.  We rush to correct our children and train them in the way they should go without soaking in the times they do go in the way they should.  Journaling can help us do this as well as a time to pray at the end of the day thanking the Lord for all He has done through us.  We will be careful not to take the credit but let us stop and enjoy the good things He does through us.  This will give us the determination and sense of purpose we need for all we have yet to do!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Knowing God - The Lord Lifts our Heads

Psalm 3:3
But thou, O LORD, art….the lifter up of mine head.
The Lord Lifts Our Heads

Here the psalmist is telling the Lord who He is.  Why?  Because the Lord needs to know?  NO! He is reminding himself of who the Lord is to him.  We so need to do this.  We must be familiar with who the Lord is that we might rely upon Him for those qualities.  Here we see that the Lord is the lifter of our heads.  Have you ever felt like it was difficult to hold your head up?  Have you hung your head in shame when you found yourself convicted by His Holy Spirit of something you've done that grieved your God?  Have you ever hung your head after being torn apart by judgments or words of others?  Have you ever hung your head in weariness seeing someone you love take a course that might end up in ravaging consequences?  The Lord is the lifter of your head!  He is able to make us look up to Him and see that He is bigger than that which is attempting to pull us down.  He could send a song, a phone call, a smile, a promise, a friend or some other source that will gently lift your head upwards to His presence and gentle eyes of hope.  Thank Him today for being the lifter of your head and watch how He might do it.

Proverbs - Strong Arms

Proverbs 31:17

She girdeth her loins with strength, and strengtheneth her arms.
                                 Lifting Weights to Carry Burdens    

The virtuous woman is not a weakling.  Because we need to work willingly with our arms we need to have our arms strong.  We carry, babies, burdens, bags and bundles.  It would be wise to get some sort of regiment to help us do this without back injury or strain.  Maybe owning a set of hand weights to use while watching that show or waiting at a light might be a good.  It is great to get help from our husbands and the men in our lives, but let us not wimp out on everyday tasks.  Let us take care of our temple so that we can enjoy serving our families without unnecessary pain or injury.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Knowing God - He is Our Glory

Psalm 3:3
But thou, O LORD, art …..
my glory,….
The Lord is My Glory

The Lord is my glory.  The Lord is what makes me to shine and allows me to have light in a situation.  The Lord is the One who is able to make us come through the battles we face, shining and triumphant.  Without Him, we will be cast down, faces filled with shame and defeated.  With Him, we will have our faces lit, confidence and victory in the battle.  He is our glory.  It is not within us to face such things we see.  Of course we don’t like it!  Of course, we grow weary!  We need the Lord to be our glory and He desires to fight the battle for us and with us.  Be glorified Lord in whatever we face today!

Proverbs - Wisdom in Spending

Proverbs 31:16

She considereth a field, and buyeth it:
with the fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard.
Should I Buy That?

This proverb lets us know that a virtuous woman is not an impulse buyer and she is definitely not into credit.  She considers the field.  She examines whether it is a good buy and helpful to her family.  She is a woman who is not quickly duped by late night infomercials or the next get-rich-quick scheme.  She takes what she earns and yields an increase.  This may be why she is not impulsive.  She uses the money that she earned with her own hands so she is cautious and prudent with it.  Lord, give us the wisdom we need to be the women you want us to be with purchases and investments.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Knowing God - The Lord is a Shield

Psalm 3:3
But thou, O LORD, art a shield for me; ….
The Lord is a Shield

The Lord is a shield.  He is not only a shield but He is a shield for me and a shield for you.  He stands between us and any sort of ammunition being directed at us.  Things may be rough around us but God is between us and the direct impact of those things thrown at us. The warfare may continue but we are protected when we place the Lord before us and allow Him to absorb the painful hits coming our way.  Stay close to Him and see how He will give you the ability to face the toughest situations when He is between you and that which comes against you.

Proverbs - Wake Up!

Proverbs 31:15

She riseth also while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household,
 and a portion to her maidens.

A lot of women cringe at this verse at first sight.  They hate waking up early.  There can be seasons where this might not be as necessary given your work schedule, responsibilities or health, but oftentimes it is quite the good thing if you have a family that starts their day early.  It is a good thing to rise up before the rest of the house, whenever that is, and make sure that our family is waking up to a smile and good food.  Our husbands and children can wake up to love and care.  They can smell the bacon or see the cereal set up for them and start their day feeling loved and taken care of.  Ladies, we are not called to be served but to serve.  What a privilege!  Maybe you can set the table or get some muffin mix mixed up the night before.  You can be praying for them before the alarm wakes them up and you can set the tone of the day.  Be honest and consider if you might not be fulfilling this part of the ministry to which you are called.  Wake up!  You might even hear His lovingkindness in the morning before you hear the babies, husband and children’s voices!

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Knowing God - The Lord Desires Worship

Psalm 2:12
Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way,
when his wrath is kindled but a little.
Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.
The Lord Desires Worship

The Lord desires expression of love and worship from us.  It can actually kindle His wrath when we don’t give Him the glory due His name.  To kiss the Lord is to connect with Him in an intimate and deliberate way.  It is to really worship Him and admire Him.  It is to let Him know all that we find beautiful about Him and to make those attributes the object of our affection in Him.  He wants us to be close to Him.   He created us for His pleasure. When we worship Him and shower Him with praise we are establishing His position of glory and our position of safety.

Proverbs - Ship Ahoy!

Prov 31:14
She is like the merchants' ships; she bringeth her food from afar.
Ship Ahoy!

A merchant’s ship goes from its home port to a foreign port with the intended purposed to load cargo much needed in its home town.  We are to be like this ship.  A merchant’s ship will take cargo from its origin, drop it off in another, load up from there and unload goods from the distant land to its place of origin.  We can go to the Lord, in His heavenly place, and take the cargo from our world.  We can bring Him our concerns, joys, anxieties and fears and drop them off in His presence. Then, as we are emptied, we can fill up with the goods that the Lord wants to put into us and take all of it back to our place of origin.  Perhaps you could start your day considering yourself a merchant’s ship.  Take those cares to the Lord and pour out your heart before Him.  Take on His wisdom, peace and counsel and bring them to all those who surround you.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Knowing God - The Lord Instructs

Psalm 2:10
Be wise now therefore, O ye kings:
be instructed, ye judges of the earth.
The Lord Instructs

We see in this verse that the Lord wants to instruct and give wisdom to people who are in a place of leadership here on this earth.  Mothers, the Lord wants you to be in a place of instruction as He teaches you how to love, raise and bring up these children.  Woman of influence, the Lord desires you to have the wisdom to handle your position in a way that your decisions are guided by His hand and mind.  Woman of authority, the Lord wants you to be able to manage tasks and people with the heart and ideas He wants to give you.  Let us be women who don’t settle with the amount of wisdom and instruction we have up to this point but continue to stay in a place of being teachable and humble increasing in our abilities in the positions He has us in.

Proverbs - Willingly

Proverbs 31:13
She seeketh wool, and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands.

A virtuous woman doesn’t need everything handed to her.  She will seek for the materials she needs and doesn’t mind working with her hands.  As a matter of fact, she works willingly with her hands.  The manicure is not her priority.  She knows that using her hands to clean and cook helps her home be a place of order and her hands will help bring it about.  She knows that everything isn’t always easy and expects to spend much time looking for things and using her hands.  This modern day world tells us to love ease, but God’s design for us is to be women who willingly work with our hands.  The next time we need to hunt something down or pick something up, let us use our will to choose to do it and find that we will be shining like a ruby.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Knowing God - The Lord Looks Out For the Vulnerable

Psalm 10:18
To judge the fatherless and the oppressed,
that the man of the earth may no more oppress.
The Lord Looks Out For the Vulnerable

The Lord’s eyes are upon those who are vulnerable and He will judge their situations.  Why does He do this?  He does this because He does not want those who oppress to continue taking advantage of the weak.  We see news reports of those who have been victimized and our hearts are wrenched.  The Lord’s heart is purer than ours and He does not sit idly by.  He is judging and bringing these things to light.  Those who have no authority and those who have authority that is oppressive are equal in His sight and He is not sleeping.  The Lord is working and He cares for those who are being taken advantage of.  Our God will execute judgment in order to stop people from oppressing others.

Proverbs - Doing Him Good

Proverbs 31:12
She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life.
                                               Doing Him Good

We need to not just avoid doing evil to our husbands but seek to do him good EVERY day of our lives.  This means when we are tired or cranky or when we are up and strong.  What a great way to start our day!  We could ask the Lord, “What could I do that is good towards my husband today?”  Does he like the bed made as soon as you wake up?  Does he love a good, hot meal when he gets home?  What is his favorite snack?  Do you have it on hand?  Are his sexual desires being met with joy and willingness?  Has he heard you give him a compliment lately?  Can you run an errand from his list?  Let us do them good and not evil ALL the days of our lives. 

Monday, December 8, 2014

The Lord Hears Our Desires

Psalm 5:17
LORD, thou hast heard the desire of the humble: thou wilt prepare their heart, thou wilt cause thine ear to hear:
The Lord Hears Our Desires

It is a marvelous thing that the Lord hears desires – even if we don’t verbalize them.  Note that He hears the desires of the humble.  How precious!  As we humble ourselves under His mighty hand and have a thankful heart for all He has done, He hears our desires and prepares our hearts.  God knows if we have a desire for some time alone or time with friends.  He knows whether we desire a new pair of earrings or organizational skills.  He knows if we desire time with our children or more opportunities to serve Him with our gifts.  We don’t need to feel alone or not heard.  Having a God who not only hears our prayers but our desires should give us a great sense of being understood and tended to.  The Lord is our shepherd, we shall not want.

Proverbs - A Husband's Heart

Proverbs 31:11

The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her,
so that he shall have no need of spoil.

A man’s heart should be able to trust in his wife.  He shouldn’t fear being ridiculed, mocked or deceived.  If he opens up to her he shouldn’t fear these inner struggles will be used against him at a later time.  He shouldn’t fear that she is spending money without his knowledge and he should have a confidence she is seeking to be prudent and cautious with their money.  Does your husband’s heart safely trust in you?  If not, you can rebuild this trust.  Take time to affirm his dreams and visions.  Take note of his weaknesses and cover them in prayer.   Never use these against him. 

Friday, December 5, 2014

Knowing God - Our God is King Forever

Psalm 5:16

The LORD is King for ever and ever:
the heathen are perished out of his land.

Our God Is King Forever

Kingdoms fall and kingdoms cease.  A king may die and another take his place.  A king may be dethroned because of another kingdom’s takeover, but our God is King forever and ever.  It doesn’t matter if people ignore Him or choose to believe that He is not King – He is still King forever and ever.  Since we know He is King, it would make great sense to submit to Him in all areas of our lives and enjoy the stability of His position and authority.  It doesn’t matter if there are votes against His law or cultural trends that despise His standard – He is King forever and ever.  Those who are His, will see Him on His throne and those who are His, enjoy Him on the throne in this present life.  Bring Him honor.  Bring Him praise.  Worship the King.  Trust the King.  Seek the wisdom of the King and enjoy having a King who has all might, resources and love to rule and reign in your life!

Proverbs - Advice to Our Sons

Proverbs 31:10

Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.

Even when this was written, a virtuous woman was a rare find.  Our sons may be discouraged that all the gals around them are loose and worldly.  They need to know that this has been the pattern of all generations.  A woman who is virtuous shines and is rare.  She has to be sought after and found.  May our sons seek such a gal and may our daughters become such a one.  May we be those women that give our children hope that virtuous women can be found and followed. 

Proverbs - Letting Our Sons Know

Proverbs 31:10

Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.

Even when this was written, a virtuous woman was a rare find.  Our sons may be discouraged that all the gals around them are loose and worldly.  They need to know that this has been the pattern of all generations.  A woman who is virtuous shines and is rare.  She has to be sought after and found.  May our sons seek such a gal and may our daughters become such a one.  May we be those women that give our children hope that virtuous women can be found and followed. 

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Knowing God - The Lord Sees it All

Proverbs 5:14
Thou hast seen it; for thou beholdest mischief and spite,…
The Lord Sees It All

Everything is plain before our God’s eyes.  He sees the mischief and the spite.  In this verse, we learn that God sees the mischief and spite someone has against us.  Nothing is hidden from Him.  He knows the hearts of those that surround us and we mustn’t panic or scheme to discover others’ thoughts towards us.  The Lord knows these things and He is our defense.  We ought to rather focus on pleasing Him alone and trusting Him to protect and defend us.  This makes life so much less complicated and we won’t be so troubled by the hostilities of others.  He sees and He knows how to handle it.

Proverbs - A Mother's Exhortation

Proverbs 31:8-9

Open thy mouth for the dumb in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction.
Open thy mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy.
A Mother’s Exhortation

Our children must be instructed in standing up for those who are being victimized.  They need to be bold and speak up.   They must open their mouth.  Are we showing our children this example?  Do we stand up for someone when they are being devoured in a conversation?  Are we doing what we can do for the unborn children that are appointed to destruction?  Do they see us evaluating things righteously so that everyone is treated fairly?  As we open our mouths and instruct our children to do the same the poor and needy will have someone to stand up for them and those that are not heard will have a voice. 

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Knowing God - The Lord Hates Coveting

Psalms 10:3
For the wicked boasteth of his heart's desire,
and blesseth the covetous, whom the LORD abhorreth.
The Lord Hates Coveting

The Lord absolutely loathes the covetous.  When the people He has made become not only discontent with what He has given them but looking at what He has given someone else, it repulses Him.  God is a God who loves to see His people enjoy what they have.  He loves us being godly with contentment and being thankful for what we have.  He has said He will never leave us nor forsake us, so if we really believe; our gratefulness will show. If we become people who always want more, we might very well be in bad standing with the Lord.

Proverbs - Perishing, Heavy Hearts and Alcohol

Proverbs 31:6-7

Give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish,
and wine unto those that be of heavy hearts.
Let him drink, and forget his poverty, and remember his misery no more.
Perishing, Heavy Hearts and Alcohol

This seems to be an exhortation towards medicinal uses for intoxicating drinks.  Someone who is ready to perish may need something so that they aren’t as aware of the pain and misery they are facing.  Alcohol was used as anesthesia in certain war times.  There can be a time for a narcotic or mind altering drug in a state of pain or death.  Recreational drugs are not for anyone who is trying to have good judgment and make decisions that are safe and of the Lord.  Our children need to know the difference and understand how important it is to have a sober mind. 

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Knowing God - God Favors Us

Psalm 5:12
For thou, LORD, wilt bless the righteous;
with favour wilt thou compass him as with a shield.
God Favors Us

God’s favor protects us.  This favor is called grace in the New Testament.  It means that we are his favored ones.  We are His favorites.   Just like the Lord chose the nation of Israel to be a special people to Him and show those who did not know Him that He was real and powerful, those of us who are in Christ are now partakers with Abraham in that favor.  Here we learn that this favor actually surrounds us like a shield.  This shield will protect us from behind, beside and before.  Knowing God loves us and is blessed with us because of the righteousness of Christ being put upon us, will protect us from haunting reminders of who we used to be, help us walk in the joy of acceptance today and will lead us into the lives He has for us tomorrow.  His grace will work mightily through us and protect us from our adversaries.

Proverbs - Warning Our Children About Alcohol

Proverbs 31:4-5

“It is not for kings, O Lemuel, it is not for kings to drink wine; nor for princes strong drink: Lest they drink, and forget the law, and pervert the judgment of any of the afflicted.”

Drinking alcoholic drinks is not for kings.  Getting drunk or having our judgment impaired causes us to forget the law and lose good judgment.  We can raise our sons in such a way that they see themselves as kings or princes.  We must remind them that the Lord wants them to rule their lives well and drinking is one the ways that destroys kings.  We need to remind them that their judgment may be impaired and in one night of fun can come a lifetime of consequences.  Our lives must exemplify soberness and wanting to make decisions by the leading of the Holy Spirit and not in impulsive moments of intoxicated thought.  Lord, help our children steer clear of anything that would impair their judgment and help us be good examples to them.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Proverbs - Use Your Womanhood Wisely

Proverbs 31:3

Give not thy strength unto women, nor thy ways to that which destroyeth kings.

Here, this mother is warning her son not to get involved illicitly with prostitutes, adulterous women or seducing ladies.  Women can be a blessing to men and the power of the attraction to women can be a man’s downfall.  Men can give their strength to women.  This is important for us to know as women.  We should be careful not to ask for men’s strength.  We must not manipulate them nor seduce them.  Our goal is to reverence our husbands and esteem them highly.  Our sons should see us standing behind our husband’s decisions and not tearing them down.  Women were used in David’s downfall, Samson’s sabotage and Adam’s disobedience.  If we know that men can give their strength to us, we would do well never to receive it.  Men need to be men and they need to be strong.  We must not belittle them or nag them to the point that they weaken under our wrath.  Let us render honor to whom honor is due.  Don’t be threatened by the strength of your husband’s decisions.  Enjoy his leadership and watch the Lord establish him as king.