Monday, July 22, 2013

Proverbs - Telling Stories

Proverbs 18:8

The words of a talebearer are as wounds, and they go down into the innermost parts of the belly.

This title ‘talebearer’ is a good warning for all of us in our conversations.  This is a compound word which means to bear a tale- to carry a story from one place to another.  The scriptures sometimes refer to this as repeating a matter.  When we are in a conversation our decision to tell someone something that has happened should be brought before the Lord before we begin such a course.  We will sense our Shepherd’s leading on this and know if He has permitted it or whether He is trying to shut the doors on our lips.  When we sense this apparent lack of peace or discomfort in what we were going to say we need to redirect our words and leave the story behind. You see, what we may consider an innocent recount of a matter may have elements within it that could very well stir up or provoke the other person. There are trigger points, memories, sinful choices and struggles in the hearts with whom we fellowship.  We could actually wound someone deep down in their innermost person without realizing it.  If we didn’t know someone was allergic to onions and then served them, we could create a horrible experience for that person although our heart was right and our labor was in love.  People have histories and we may serve them some information that could really be used by the enemy to kill, steal and destroy.  Be cautious, dear sister.  Don’t be so quick to speak nor share all you know.  Listen to His leading and if you sense the Lord trying to sop you, yield and trust He knows best. 

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