Thursday, January 23, 2014

Proverbs - Debt and Relationships

Proverbs 22:7

The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.

The Lord is warning us here about borrowing.  When we borrow money we become servant to the lender.  We are under their conditions and we are not as free as we could be to follow the Lord’s leading.  When a believer owes money, that money is to be paid before any future purchases are made.  If we have the money to pay what we owe, we need to pay it back as soon as possible.  Sometimes debt can be appropriate.  If we borrow money for something that increases in value and is a necessity, such as a home, we are technically investing.  The amount of money we owe on something should be less than what that item is worth if we were to liquidate, sell it for cash, it.  When we borrow money for vacations, food or a things that decrease in value, we fell the weight of being servant to the lender.  We have that debt hanging over us far after the enjoyment of the item passes.  We are not free to enjoy things because we are paying for something that is already past.  Before we enter into any sort of loan we must consider the wisdom behind it and whether the Lord is using for provision or is it moving outside of His provision.  We want to serve one Master and one Master only. 

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